Workshop on KPIs - Making Progress Visible

Vienna (Austria), 10 May 2022

© Beate Guba (TU Vienna), Julia Geistberger (University of Vienna) 13.06.2022

On May 10th, EOSC Austria Member NHM (Natural History Museum) hosted a workshop on the organisation’s KPIs, making the first successes of EOSC implementation visible.


This second workshop of the Working Group KPIs illustrated the importance of the EOSC building process. Thirty-five experts from various stakeholder groups discussed national policies and strategies, identifying challenges or existing gaps and figuring out relevant monitoring and evaluation indicators.

For more information, please download the workshop agenda here: Programm-Workshop-KPIs.
The presentation slides from the event are available on

More details on the Working Group KPIs can be found here on the EOSC Austria Website.

(Photo: Christina Rittmannsperger)