Welcome to the
EOSC Support Office Austria!

We, EOSC Austria, strive for a coordinated development of the Austrian Open Science Policy and European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) goals

The EOSC Support Office Austria (EOSC SOA) supports ACONET, which is the Austrian EOSC Mandated Organization, and all Austrian research institutions. The goal of EOSC SOA is to realize the EOSC vision: a federated, multi-disciplinary environment to find and use data, tools, and services for research, innovation, and education.

On this website, you will find comprehensive information about EOSC and the EOSC Association, detailing initiatives, developments, and events among the Austrian research, research support, and cultural heritage communities.

What is EOSC?

The EOSC journey began with the visionary idea of a federated system of research data infrastructures in Europe. The primary goal is to establish an open, multi-disciplinary environment that facilitates the publication, discovery, and re-use of data, tools, and services for research, innovation, and education. This collaborative space empowers researchers and research support staff alike, enhancing the efficiency of their work.

This vision culminated in the planned implementation of EOSC, a long-term process that began in 2015 and has been pursued by the European Commission ever since. The EOSC Association was established at the European level to oversee and guide this ambitious initiative. The establishment of the EOSC Support Office Austria followed soon after.


What’s the EOSC SOA?

Our Role: The EOSC Support Office Austria was launched as Austria’s national EOSC initiative in 2021. We support the coordinated development of Austrian Open Science policies and community while contributing to making the vision of EOSC a reality. We are your local partner in working together towards a seamless integration of Austrian research data infrastructure into the broader European landscape.

Our Objectives:

  • Coordinate Austrian contributions in the implementation of EOSC
  • Influence the strategic EOSC agenda in Austria
  • Establish working groups for the continuous construction and coordination of Open Science developments within the Austrian research landscape
  • Foster “EOSC Readiness” at partner institutions

In alignment with the policies of the EU Commission and the UN Global Sustainability Goals (SDGs), the Austrian initiative drives the local commitment to the Open Science movement as well as to the Vienna Declaration on the EOSC.

What’s in it for me?

EOSC is here to stay – so make sure to have your say!

The values of Open Science make scientific processes more open, effective, and impactful. 

We invite Open Science enthusiasts to explore and engage in the EOSC Support Office Austria. Participate by (re)presenting your research and educational efforts. Join the community in actively shaping EOSC! 

How do I get involved? 

Join as a Partner: We invite all Austrian institutions, initiatives, and projects to join the initiative and give voice to the Austrian Open Science researcher, informatics, and education communities in building EOSC. Membership is entirely free!
Joining the EOSC Support Office Austria is easy – simply contact us!

Stay Informed: Subscribe to our mailing list and our regular newsletter to stay up-to-date on the latest developments, upcoming events, project calls, and how you can actively take part in the Open Science movement.

Let’s create an open and collaborative research environment that fits your visions, requirements, and needs! 

The vision of Open Science is to make scientific processes more open and effective and to use both scientific excellence and open innovative and applied research to address current challenges, which are very comprehensively outlined in the policies of the EU Commission and in the framework of the Global Sustainability Goals (UN SDGs).

The Austrian initiative drives the commitment to the Open Science movement as well as to the Vienna Declaration on the EOSC.

We strive for a coordinated development of the Austrian Open Science Policy and the realisation of the goals of the EOSC – namely the creation of an open multi-disciplinary environment to publish, find and re-use data, tools and services for research, innovation and educational purposes. The participation of other institutions in the EOSC initiative is explicitly desired. We thus invite you to get involved and join the initiative!​

The national initiative of EOSC Austria is:

  • legally represented by the ACONET Association (the Austrian EOSC Mandated Organization) 
  • managed by its operational body, the EOSC Support Office Austria. 

The partners share a vision of enhancing EOSC in Austria to make scientific processes more open and effective. 

Their activities are in line with the goals of the EOSC Association, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing. 

Specialized Working Groups (WGs) advance EOSC topics and monitor Open Science developments in Austria.