The RDA TIGER team has launched the first Open Call providing support to new and existing RDA Working Groups.
This open call is seeking applications from existing or potential Research Data Alliance (RDA) Working Groups (WGs) that wish to receive RDA TIGER in-kind facilitation support for their WG activities. The call will be continuously open and has four selection rounds per year. Each round has a deadline by which the applications have to be submitted in order to be reviewed.
The deadline for applications for this selection round is Wednesday 31 May 2023, 16:00 CEST. Up to four RDA WGs will be selected in this round.
All RDA WGs or potential RDA WGs that apply to receive support should meet the eligibility criteria set out below and will be evaluated by a selection committee. This includes existing WGs that have established processes and membership, as well as new WGs requiring support to kickstart their activity. The RDA WGs supported have to run according to the RDA WG processes, procedures and policies.
The support provided by this Open Call includes:
- Support for WG co-chair tasks and activities (e.g., facilitation, administrative, logistical)
- WG Case Statement and work plan creation for not-yet created groups*
- Liaison with the RDA’s Technical Advisory Board (TAB) for not-yet created groups
- Increased WG engagement (e.g., identification and engagement of potential members and co-chairs)
- Support for finalising outputs and related ongoing maintenance activities via the RDA TIGER Facilitation service which supports the ‘last mile’ of WG output creation (note: this does NOT refer to creating outputs which is a responsibility of WG co-chairs).
How can I apply?
To apply please visit the RDA website:
About the RDA TIGER Project
RDA TIGER is a project funded by the European Commission. It supports RDA Working Groups that concretely align, harmonise and standardise Open Science developments and technologies globally. RDA services will facilitate and support coherent and consistent working group definitions and increase the impact of key European initiatives on the global level.
Why apply? In the words of the RDA Community…
“Despite our working group having started before RDA-TIGER, we have immensely benefited from their support. We first worked with RDA-TIGER to lead a workshop co-located with the 20th RDA Plenary, and it would not have been possible without their help and engagement. RDA-TIGER assisted with workshop planning, communications, hybrid logistics and support during the workshop, physical visual aid printing, and securing the room and catering. Both before and during the workshop, we also benefited from suggestions and ideas from RDA-TIGER on possible formats for our outputs to aid with their uptake in the community. We have barely scratched the surface of the skillset RDA-TIGER offers, and we’re looking forward to working with them on facilitation of our working group as we move into work-intensive evaluations of our outputs to keep our members engaged, finessing our graphics, document writing and polishing, and our output dissemination strategy.”
Upcoming Informational Webinar
If you wish to find out more, join us on this informationaal webinar taking place on 2 May, 11:00 UTC / 13:00 CEST to describe the RDA TIGER Facilitation Call and answer any questions from the community. More information about the webinar and how to register can be found at
Contact us
If you have any questions regarding the RDA TIGER project, the Facilitation Support Service or any of the other services on offer by the project please contact us at