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The potential of research data – How research infrastructures support new opportunities and benefits for society

19 – 20 June 2023, Lund, Sweden

Main topics:

  • How is digitalisation in research affecting people and society
  • How are digitalisation and the movement towards Open Science affecting the use of research infrastructures
  • New technological development and collaboration involving data – What are the major opportunities and challenges
  • Highlights on data and emerging technologies.
  • Highlights on people and collaboration: What are the obstacles to progress
  • European Research Infrastructures as enablers of the Life Sciences
  • How to increase impact in industry
  • Trust in science through good data management and FAIR
  • Long-term financing for sustainable research infrastructures and data

The Lund Declaration (Swedish EU-Presidency):

The Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union calls for reinforcing, accelerating, and maximising the benefits of FAIR and open research data in Europe, within scientific communities and through research infrastructures, to increase the overall research and innovation performance of the European Research Area and strengthen the outreach to and impact on industry and society


July 14, 2009