Skills4EOSC Fellowship Programme
Unlocking Opportunities in Open Science and FAIR Data. Are you a data professional with a passion for Open Science, FAIR data, and research data management practices?
Unlocking Opportunities in Open Science and FAIR Data. Are you a data professional with a passion for Open Science, FAIR data, and research data management practices?
Calls for funding are open starting 6th December 2023 for the Research Infrastructures Programme under Horizon Europe.
After the incredible success of the 2023 edition in The Hague, the Data Spaces Support Centre and the Data Spaces Business Alliance – IDSA heavily involved in both consortia – are set to deliver a breathtaking event. The 2024 edition, taking place in Frankfurt, will show endless market-ready use cases and advanced technology solutions for […]
To support the research communities to take up open science and foster the involvement of scientists in EOSC, OSCARS will launch two Open Calls (in total worth about 16 million Euro) to select third-parties for the development of new, innovative Open Science projects or services, that together will drive the uptake of FAIR-data-intensive research throughout […]
Submit a proposal and contribute to shaping the biggest EOSC event of the year.
The Research and Innovation Week (R&I Week) is the 2024 European Commission’s flagship event on research and innovation which will take place between 18 and 21 March 2024 in Tour & Taxis (Brussels, Belgium).
The 2nd FAIR Digital Object Conference aims to bring together data scientists, data infrastructure architects, data solution developers, data stewards, data curators, industry data experts, and policy makers across sectors and from all over the world. It will offer inspiring keynotes and exciting panels with distinguished experts from different sectors and disciplines. There will be […]
Eine Webinar-Reihe zur European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), zu Zielen, Zukunftsperspektiven und Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten Die Europäische Open Science Cloud (EOSC) ist eine wegweisende Initiative, die darauf abzielt, einen integrativen und offenen Raum für den Austausch und die Nutzung von Forschungsdaten in Europa zu schaffen.
The second call for Route 2 support will open for applications from 31st January-31st March 2024. Applicants can apply to join the following support actions.
The meeting will focus on the potential development of a global skills and competencies framework for open science, as included in the Recommendation on Open Science.
Entlang welcher Karrierepfade können sich Wissenschafter:innen zukünftig entwickeln? Wie können Durchlässigkeit zwischen den Sektoren und internationale Mobilität unterstützt werden? Wie bewerten Universitäten Qualität in Berufungsverfahren? Diese Themen diskutieren wir mit nationalen und internationalen Expert:innen und Akteur:innen im Bereich Wissenschaftskarrieren sowie Forschenden. Im Fokus stehen die Präsentation und Diskussion der nationalen Empfehlungen der Arbeitsgruppe der österreichischen […]
Das Naturhistorische Museum Wien lädt in Kooperation mit dem Museumsbund Österreich zu einem Workshop zum Thema Digital Data Curatorship in Museen und Sammlungen. Die digitale Transformation erfordert andere Arbeitsweisen und bringt neue Stellenprofile mit sich. Wie könnte die Stelle eines Digital Data Curator für den Museums- und Sammlungsbereich aussehen? Wir möchten gerne in einem Workshop […]
The meeting will focus on the draft principles of open science monitoring, the preparation of which has been led by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and which were presented at an event on 19 December 2023.
Fill out the online application form below, including your motivation letter, CV, and endorsement letter* from your organisation by 23:59 CEST on 21 April 2024.
The EGU General Assembly 2024 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.
The subject of our discussion will be the desirability and feasibility of a Global Open Science Fund.
The development and deployment of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is a continuous and rapidly evolving process directed by the European co-programmed Partnership for EOSC. The EOSC Partnership’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) defines the general framework for future research, development, and innovation activities in relation to EOSC, and will serve as the Partnership’s guiding document […]
Aufruf zur Einreichung von Abstracts Öffnungstag 21.03.2024, 00:09 Einreichungsdeadline 06.05.2024, 23:59 Timeline: Call Open: March 21st Deadline extension: Call open until May 6 2024 23:59 Confirmation of acceptance: Before June 7th. Please note that EGI2024 is intended to be an in-person event. We expect all contributors (or their representatives) to attend the conference on the premises. We […]
The Symposium will be the occasion to highlight Horizon Europe’s support for Open Science, broader access to RIs and contribution of RIs to green and digital transistion, showcase relevant funded projects, educate National Contact Points and encourage global Research Infrastructures dialogue. The event will be hosted by the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). You can use the QR code in the Save the […]
FAIR-IMPACT's second open call for Route 1 for expert support (non-financial) for Repositories and Data Service Providers launched on 2nd May, 2024. This open call includes support actions relating to help you assess your current FAIR-enabling capabilities and develop action plans to improve them. The structure of our support programme is based on a range of […]