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Ireland’s First Annual National Open Research Festival

Dublin Dublin, Ireland

The next EOSC-A National Tripartite Event in Ireland will take place on the morning of 3 November, in conjunction with NORF's National Open Research Festival 2023. The National Open Research Forum (NORF) is pleased to announce Ireland’s National Open Research Festival 2023 and calls for proposals for lightning talks and workshops.  Established in 2017 to […]

Call for Nominations for the RDA Technical Advisory Board 2023


Nominations will be accepted until 23:59 UTC, 13 November 2023. The RDA is seeking candidates for the annual TAB election, to be held in November 2023. TAB Terms are for three (3) years. We encourage participation from RDA members at all stages of their careers.

Second Swiss EOSC Coffee


The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) aims to develop a ‘Web of FAIR Data and services’ for science in Europe upon which a wide range of value-added services can be built. Would you like to know how Switzerland is involved, and how it proposes to unlock the full potential of research data to accelerate discoveries and innovation?

Horizon Europe Open Science requirements in practice


Have any doubts or questions about your obligations as a Horizon Europe (HE) grant holder in terms of Open Access to publications and Research Data Management? On Thursday, November 16, from 1 to 2.30 PM CET OpenAIRE will present the HE requirements, followed by some time for the participants' to the OpenAIRE experts. You will […]

7th EOSC Association’s General Assembly


Members and Observers of the EOSC Associations are invited to save the date for the 7th Association's General Assembly. The meeting will be held online on Tuesday 21 November 2023 from 12:00 until 18:00.

EOSC Tripartite Event

Madrid Madrid, Spain

On 28 November 2023 the EOSC Tripartite Event will take place in Madrid, Spain.

Webinar Data Management with LinkAhead


The Austrian project "Shared RDM Services & Infrastructures", which is the successor of the "FAIR Data Austria" project, is once again offering the popular webinar series "Research Data Management in Austria". The webinar series is aimed at researchers and/or people working in research support and deals with a wide variety of topics in the field […]

National RDM Exchange Austria #1


Looking for a national exchange on Research Data Management? The Shared RDM project organises a monthly national RDM exchange and gain new insights into how RDM is done in other organisations in Austria and learn how others have tackled challenging situations that are all too familiar to you.

OSA Info-Day Graz

Universität Graz Graz, Austria

Wir laden Sie herzlich zum OSA Info Day in Graz ein, einer Veranstaltung, die sich den Aspekten von Open Science widmet und speziell für die Universitäten in der Steiermark ausgerichtet ist. OSA – Open Science Austria ist die interdisziplinäre Open Science-Plattform der österreichischen Universitäten unter dem Dach der uniko.

National RDM Exchange Austria #2


Looking for a national exchange on Research Data Management? The Shared RDM project organises a monthly national RDM exchange and gain new insights into how RDM is done in other organisations in Austria and learn how others have tackled challenging situations that are all too familiar to you.

Online-Workshop „Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für Open Science in Österreich“


Der Workshop Online-Workshop „Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für Open Science in Österreich“ am 29.01.2024 von 11:00-13:00 basiert auf der Studie „Analyse der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen für Open Science in Österreich“ von Dr. Žiga Škorjanc, Universität Wien, der diesen Workshop auch leiten wird. Die Studie wurde im Auftrag des BMBWF erstellt und steht hier zum Download zur Verfügung. Sie […]

EOSC Coffee Lecture: “Was ist die EOSC und welche Ziele verfolgt sie?”


Eine Webinar-Reihe zur European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), zu Zielen, Zukunftsperspektiven und Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten Die Europäische Open Science Cloud (EOSC) ist eine wegweisende Initiative, die darauf abzielt, einen integrativen und offenen Raum für den Austausch und die Nutzung von Forschungsdaten in Europa zu schaffen.

Open Science meets AI: Implications for research processes and academic hiring decisions

IDea_Lab Leechgasse 34, Graz, Austria

The GOSI (Graz Open Science Initiative) hosts a discussion round titled “Open Science meets AI: Implications for research processes and academic hiring decisions” with contributions from different experts including Dr. Anne Gärtner (TU Dresden), rector Prof. Horst Bischof (TU Graz), vice rector Prof. Joachim Reidl (Uni Graz), Prof. Jana Lasser (RWTH Aachen), and Dr. Tony […]

Webinar: Reproducibility in Science


Reproducibility in scientific research is essential for the verification and validation of results. It ensures the accuracy and reliability of results and promotes transparency and scientific integrity. By giving independent researchers the opportunity to repeat experiments and trials, the scientific community can build a more trustworthy and robust body of knowledge.

Skills4EOSC Fellowship Programme

Unlocking Opportunities in Open Science and FAIR Data. Are you a data professional with a passion for Open Science, FAIR data, and research data management practices?

Data Spaces Symposium 2024

Frankfurt Frankfurt, Germany

After the incredible success of the 2023 edition in The Hague, the Data Spaces Support Centre and the Data Spaces Business Alliance – IDSA heavily involved in both consortia – are set to deliver a breathtaking event. The 2024 edition, taking place in Frankfurt, will show endless market-ready use cases and advanced technology solutions for […]

OSCARS Call for Funding Kick Off Meeting


To support the research communities to take up open science and foster the involvement of scientists in EOSC, OSCARS will launch two Open Calls (in total worth about 16 million Euro) to select third-parties for the development of new, innovative Open Science projects or services, that together will drive the uptake of FAIR-data-intensive research throughout […]