Researcher Engagement
in Austria
The EOSC needs to meet the requirements and needs of daily research in Austria, all while increasing the acceptance of EOSC services within the Austrian research landscape. We strive to make this possible. All activities are thus to be based on the results of previous researcher engagement activities within EOSC-related projects (such as EOSC Secretariat, EOSC Pillar, EOSC Future and EOSC Focus) as well as on results of other WGs (such as the WG Stakeholder Engagement) and EOSC Task Forces. Furthermore the regular exchange of knowledge, information and experiences should be enabled by establishing close relations to, for example, the EOSC Association, the EOSC Task Force Researcher Engagement and Adoption, RDA and scientific communities at national level. Equally important is the regular exchange of knowledge with other WGs of the EOSC Support Office (such as the WGs Stakeholder Engagement, Austria Country Report and Training) in order to identify synergies and dependencies as early as possible.
The WG Researcher Engagement in Austria will contribute to the identification of the research communities’ needs to ensure services will be of actual use and support researchers in actively shaping the EOSC (through feeding their feedback to the EOSC TF to e.g. update the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), all while facilitating balanced participation from disciplines and institutions.
The WG Researcher Engagement has been established in 2019 in the context of the EOSC Secretariat initiative as supporting activity of the EOSC building process. The WG should be able to pursue its activities for at least two years (e.g. start in October 2021, end December 2023) in order to achieve meaningful results. The work of this subgroup should be evaluated annually, checked for its relevance and adapted if necessary. Against this background, an extension beyond 2023 could also be considered.
Coordinator: Katharina Flicker (TU Wien)
Members: Susanne Blumesberger (University of Vienna), Marie Czuray (TU Wien), Raman Ganguly (University of Vienna), Unmil Karadkar (University of Graz), Andreas Rauber (TU Wien), Stefan E. Reichmann (TU Graz), Miguel Rey Mazon (TU Graz), Bernd Saurugger (TU Wien)
Visions, needs and requirements for research data and practices.
A series of interviews
Fajar J Ekaputra
Computer Scientist
Ansgar Jüngel
Marcus Huber
Quantum Physicist and ERC Grantee
Josef Küng
Computer Scienist
Birgit Wassermann
Microbiome Researcher
Angela Fabris
Literature and Film Scientist
Erich Schmutzhard
Medical Research
Thomas Lampoltshammer
Computer Scientist
Maria Schreiber
Communication Scientist
Wolfgang Kraus
Cultural and Social Anthropologist
Thomas Hofer