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Advancing Research Data Management and Open Science in Austria


The aim of this event is to present the work done in Austria on the national level and also learn about European developments and results of EOSC-related projects such as FAIR-Impact. The event will debate around metadata and semantic interoperability, as well as FAIR-enabling repositories and Austrian National Open Science Policies.

2024 Coordination meeting of EOSC-related projects funded under Horizon Europe

Brussels Brussels, Belgium

The 2024 edition of the “Coordination meeting of EOSC-related projects funded under Horizon Europe” will take place on 20-21 June in Brussels. As in previous editions, the meeting will bring together representatives of project consortia, the European Commission, the Research Executive Agency and the EOSC Association. The main objectives of the meeting have been identified by […]

Zertifikatsprogramm “Data Steward” an der Universität Wien: Rückblick auf die ersten zwei Jahre


Die Aus- und Weiterbildung von Data Stewards wird zunehmend zu einem Schwerpunktthema im Ausbau forschungsunterstützender Services in Österreich und international. Im bevorstehenden Webinar mit dem Titel „Zertifikatsprogramm „Data Steward“ an der Universität Wien: Rückblick auf die ersten zwei Jahre“ haben Sie die Gelegenheit, tiefer in die Entstehung und Entwicklung dieses Weiterbildungsangebots einzutauchen. Erfahren Sie mehr […]

2024 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2024)

Brno Brno, Czech Republic

The Galaxy Community Conference (GCC) is an annual conference focused on the use and development of the Galaxy platform for data-intensive biomedical research. The conference brings together scientists, software developers, and trainers of Galaxy from a variety of disciplines to share their experiences, knowledge, and skills. The conference included talks, posters, and workshops on a wide range of topics related […]

Strategies for training and knowledge exchange with a consulting perspective


BioNT - BIO Network for Training - is an international consortium of academic entities and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). BioNT is dedicated to providing a comprehensive training program and fostering a community for digital skills relevant to the biotechnology industry and biomedical sector. With a curriculum tailored for both beginners and advanced professionals, BioNT aims to equip individuals with […]

Public Launch of the Skils4EOSC Competence Centres Network


During this virtual event, you will discover the Skills4EOSC Competence Centres (S4E CCs). According to the project's vision, these CCs are hubs for Open Science and EOSC activities in their respective countries or thematic domains. The S4E CCs are collaborative entities and networks bringing together extensive expertise in Open Science and data management across various domains. They provide training and […]

Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC)


The annual call for proposals from the Incubator platform Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) has been published on April 8th, 2024 and will be closed June 25th, 2024 The most important information in a nutshell Application opens: 08.04.2024 Application deadline: 25.06.2024 (23:59h CEST) ! please note: tech support on June, 25th is possible until 16:00h CEST! Details HMC […]

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen sicher nutzen mit Creative Commons Lizenzen


In dieser Ausgabe des OA-Talks führt uns Dr. Christoph Bruch in die Grundlagen der Creative Commons Lizenzen (CC-Lizenzen) ein. CC-Lizenzen sind Musterverträge, die weltweit genutzt werden, um eine freie Nutzung urheberrechtlich geschützter Werke rechtssicher zu ermöglichen. Im Vortrag werden die Rechtsgrundlagen für CC-Lizenzen erläutert und die verschiedenen Ausprägungen der Lizenzen vorgestellt. Dabei werden folgende Themen […]

Handle with CARE? Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen für ethischen und sensiblen Umgang mit Forschungsdaten

Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, Universitätsstraße 7, 4. Stock, Wien

Die Ansprüche an Forschungen und an Forschungsdaten werden immer größer. Der Aufwand auch. Gerade in der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, bei der nicht nur bei, sondern auch gemeinsam mit beforschten Menschen Daten entstehen. Das bringt große Verantwortung mit sich. Besonders beim Umgang mit sensiblen Daten, Daten aus Gewalt-, Kolonial-, rassistischen Kontexten. Die CARE-Prinzipien (Collective Benefit, Authority […]

Maturity Model for Pathogen Data Platforms


Maturity models are a useful tool to support data platform managers in assessing current gaps in their maturity and development lifecycle. The Pathogen Data Platform maturity model specifically targets managers of data platforms that host on pathogens, and associated, contextual sensitive, personal metadata. It was developed within ELIXIR-CONVERGE and tested in a pilot run within BY-COVID. It […]

FOAM 2024: FAIR principles for Ontologies and Metadata in Knowledge Management

Enschede , Netherlands

FOAM is a new workshop merging the Workshop on Ontologies for FAIR and FAIR Ontologies (Onto4FAIR), the Conceptual Modeling, Ontologies and Metadata Management for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) Data (CMOMM4FAIR) and the FAIR Ontology Harmonization and TRUST Data Interoperability Workshop (FOHTI).The main objectives of this workshop are: to bring together new methods for enabling FAIR […]

EASST-4S 2024 Conference

Amsterdam , Netherlands

As governments and funding agencies increasingly demand alignment with Sustainable Development Goals, STS scholars grapple with the tension between societal expectations and the transformative potential of their research. Rather than offering predetermined solutions, scholars are encouraged to reframe problem spaces through empirical analyses and innovative practices. Key questions will be addressed, such as how to […]

Workshop on high-throughput sequencing data analysis with Galaxy

Werthmannstrasse 4 Freiburg, Germany

Target Audience: Scientist with no or little Galaxy experience who want to analyse sequencing data. Learning Objectives: To get introduced to Galaxy as data analysis platform and the GTN training material To learn how to use use tools and databases in Galaxy To be able to run different tools and workflows Training material: For the hands-on […]

How To Be Open: Libraries


Libraries are the heart of the scholarly ecosystem, acting as gateways to knowledge and resources for researchers, students, and the public. This session, led by Dr. Alwaleed Alkhaja, Head of Open Access and Copyright at Qatar National Library, will explore how libraries can embrace and promote Open Science principles, ensuring wider accessibility, transparency, and collaboration in […]

Expedition Zukunft START 2024/2


In der Ausschreibung Expedition Zukunft START werden Vorhaben in einer frühen Phase angesprochen, in der Innovationen vorbereitet und die Basis für große Veränderungen in Märkten, Technologien oder Gesellschaften gelegt werden. Folgende Projektarten werden als vorbereitende Maßnahmen für FTI-Projekte unterstützt: (1) Anwendungsfälle für eine vorhandene Technologie Es existiert bereits eine vorhandene technologische Lösung, aber es ist unklar, wie […]

Open Consultation: Crafting a vision for European Repositories


In January 2023, OpenAIRE, LIBER, SPARC Europe, and COAR unveiled a joint strategy to strengthen the European repository network. This aim is to further strengthen the open science landscape in Europe by reinforcing and enhancing repositories across Europe by emphasizing their value, spreading best practices, and supporting the establishment of national networks. Open Consultation - European Repository Strategy As […]

Towards a Transparent Transition to Open Access: The Current Data Landscape


LIBER’s Open Access Working Group invites you to this webinar to learn about the findings from two recent studies published on the financial aspects of transitioning to open access and to have a discussion roundtable on implications in libraries’ open access strategies moving forward. The webinar will be facilitated by Dr. Birgit Schmidt, Head of Knowledge Commons at the […]

From open data to knowledge: enhancing European resilience to health crises

Brussels Brussels, Belgium

The BY-COVID project is hosting a high-level event entitled “From open data to knowledge: enhancing European resilience to health crises” to highlight and discuss the value of open data and showcasing the impact of the project on science and society. The event will feature panel discussions with experts from various sectors, including policy-makers from the European and […]