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OSA Info-Day Graz

Universität Graz Graz, Austria

Wir laden Sie herzlich zum OSA Info Day in Graz ein, einer Veranstaltung, die sich den Aspekten von Open Science widmet und speziell für die Universitäten in der Steiermark ausgerichtet […]

National RDM Exchange Austria #2


Looking for a national exchange on Research Data Management? The Shared RDM project organises a monthly national RDM exchange and gain new insights into how RDM is done in other […]

Webinar: Reproducibility in Science


Reproducibility in scientific research is essential for the verification and validation of results. It ensures the accuracy and reliability of results and promotes transparency and scientific integrity. By giving independent […]

Skills4EOSC Fellowship Programme

Unlocking Opportunities in Open Science and FAIR Data. Are you a data professional with a passion for Open Science, FAIR data, and research data management practices?

Data Spaces Symposium 2024

Frankfurt Frankfurt, Germany

After the incredible success of the 2023 edition in The Hague, the Data Spaces Support Centre and the Data Spaces Business Alliance – IDSA heavily involved in both consortia – […]

OSCARS Call for Funding Kick Off Meeting


To support the research communities to take up open science and foster the involvement of scientists in EOSC, OSCARS will launch two Open Calls (in total worth about 16 million […]

OSCARS 1st Open Call for Open Science Projects and Services


The aim of the call is to support researchers engaging in or developing Open Data Research by conducting science projects that facilitate and foster sharing research data and results based […]

Research and Innovation Week

Brussels Brussels, Belgium

The Research and Innovation Week (R&I Week) is the 2024 European Commission’s flagship event on research and innovation which will take place between 18 and 21 March 2024 in Tour & Taxis (Brussels, Belgium).

2nd International Conference on FAIR Digital Objects

Berlin Berlin, Germany

The 2nd FAIR Digital Object Conference aims to bring together data scientists, data infrastructure architects, data solution developers, data stewards, data curators, industry data experts, and policy makers across sectors […]

2nd open call for Route 2 support

The second call for Route 2 support will open for applications from 31st January-31st March 2024. Applicants can apply to join the following support actions.

Karrierewege in der Wissenschaft und Research Assessment

TUtheSky Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Wien, Gebäude BA, 11. OG, Vienna, Austria

Entlang welcher Karrierepfade können sich Wissenschafter:innen zukünftig entwickeln? Wie können Durchlässigkeit zwischen den Sektoren und internationale Mobilität unterstützt werden? Wie bewerten Universitäten Qualität in Berufungsverfahren? Diese Themen diskutieren wir mit […]

„Digital Data Curators“ in Museen und Sammlungen

Naturhistorisches Museum Wien Burgring 7, Vienna, Austria

Das Naturhistorische Museum Wien lädt in Kooperation mit dem Museumsbund Österreich zu einem Workshop zum Thema Digital Data Curatorship in Museen und Sammlungen. Die digitale Transformation erfordert andere Arbeitsweisen und […]