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2. Österreichischen Bibliothekskongress

Vienna Vienna, Austria

Unter dem Motto „Demokratisch – Divers – Nachhaltig“ öffnen wir die Türen zu einem bedeutenden Forum, das den aktuellen Wandel unserer Welt reflektiert. Aktuelle politische und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen verlangen eine umsichtige Auseinandersetzung in der Arbeitswelt, der Lehre und Ausbildung wie auch im privaten Umfeld. Wissenschaftliche und öffentliche Bibliotheken spielen hierbei eine zentrale Rolle. Sie sind […]

EOSC EU Node Ask Me Anything


Join our first Ask Me Anything (AMA) session: Unlock the full potential of the EOSC EU Node for your research. Speakers & Moderators: Peter Szegedi, Spiros Athanasiou, LOT2/3 Representatives, Maja Dolinar, Egidio Pasquinetti Who is it for? Researchers, data scientists, and computational experts across the EU and associated countries working in Open Science, data-intensive research, […]

Have Your Say! Survey on FAIR Principles in Health Technology Research


Are you working in Health Technology research? Your insights are essential! As part of the Skills4EOSC Project, we are gathering input to develop recommendations for implementing FAIR practices in this field. This initiative is led by TU Delft (Netherlands) and IIT (Italy), in collaboration with the research community. By participating in our short survey, you can share your knowledge, experiences, and […]

Austrian Micro Data Center in der Praxis


Inhalt Dieses Webinar gibt einen Praxiseinblick, wie Forschende mit den Daten des AMDCs arbeiten. Hier die Abstracts der Vorträge: Vorstellung AMDC (Marie Beindl – AMDC): Das Austrian Micro Data Center (AMDC) bietet seit seinem Start im Sommer 2022 die Möglichkeit zur Beforschung von verlinkbaren Mikrodaten. Forscher:innen von wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen können im Zuge eines konkreten Forschungsvorhabens […]

Forschungsdateninfrastrukturen 2024


Anschaffung und Aufbau von hochwertiger Forschungsdateninfrastrukturen für EU-Missionen SOIL und WATERS Mit der Initiative der FFG zur Förderung von Forschungsdateninfrastrukturen soll in Österreich die Basis für exzellente Forschung sowohl für Einrichtungen für Forschung und Wissensverbreitung als auch für Unternehmen gestärkt und damit die internationale Positionierung der österreichischen Forschungs- und Innovationsaktivitäten im Rahmen der EU Missionen […]

Open FDO Workshop: The EPOS Research Infrastructure – Practical Challenges in Creating an Integrated Dataspace


The FDO Forum is happy that Daniele Bailo and Jan Michalák from the EPOS ERIC Research Infrastructure will share their experiences in building a European wide infrastructure that amongst others is working on creating an integrated dataspace for researchers in the field of solid earth science and discuss with us about future perspectives of data […]

Die Bedeutung von wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen und Open Science Kompetenzen für Politik, Kultur, Wissenschaft und Kunst in Österreich


Im Rahmen des Horizon Europe Projekts Skills4EOSC (Skills for the European Open Science Commons) lädt diese Veranstaltung Akteure aus Politik, öffentlicher Verwaltung, Wissenschaft und Wissenschaftsvermittlung ein, sich mit der Entwicklung und Strategie von Open Science in Österreich zu beschäftigen. Ziel der Veranstaltung ist, die Open Science Community in Österreich zu unterstützen. Dafür werden die Ergebnisse […]

2025 EUA Annual Conference


While sustainability is about building a better future, resilience is about overcoming internal and external challenges. Crucially, both elements are needed for universities to succeed in today’s world. The 2025 EUA Annual Conference, hosted by the University of Latvia in Riga from 10-11 April, will strive to define what sustainability and resilience, as multi-faceted concepts, […]

CoARA’s Second Call for Cascade Funding


Summary of the Call This call for Cascade Funding aims to enhance institutional change and target pilot and exchange-of-knowledge initiatives. It will fund +20 projects facilitating knowledge-exchange, piloting new initiatives within institutions, and enabling lasting institutional change. As such, it encourages and supports research organisations to investigate and test what will efficiently work ‘in real life’. More […]

Ready to normalise openness?

Wir sind es gewohnt, Open Education von bestehenden Frameworks und (Infra-)Strukturen her zu denken - und Openness “aufzupfropfen”. Warum nicht die Richtung umdrehen und Umgebungen und Praktiken grundlegend offen erdenken? Was, wenn offene Lehre die Norm wäre und nicht die Ausnahme? Dann sei dabei beim Barcamp #3! Am 24. April 2025 findet das dritte OER-OER-Infrastruktur-Barcamp #oertopia […]

RDA TIGER Cascade Grant Call for Adoption Grants – Apply by 27 April


This call for Cascading Grants seeks applications from researchers, research institutes, universities, enterprises, consortia and other legal entities who wish to receive financial support to adopt the results of the RDA Working Groups (WGs). Applicants must be eligible to receive Horizon Europe funding, or be affiliated to an entity that is eligible. Specifically, the call […]

Data Stewards 2025


Implementing Data Stewards for EU Missions Austria Die Datenmenge, die Organisationen zur Verfügung haben, wächst kontinuierlich. Insbesondere in Forschungseinrichtungen nehmen die Bedeutung von Daten, der Austausch sowie die Möglichkeiten, komplexe Forschungsfragen mithilfe großer Datenmengen zu beantworten, zu. Damit steigt die Verantwortung für die korrekte Handhabung von Daten und insbesondere für deren Qualität. Data Stewards sind […]

Let’s Talk about Science Reform! A Workshop on Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Investigating the Open Science Movement

Berlin Berlin, Germany

Over the last decade the science system has been going through some fundamental changes and even something of a structural reformation. Spearheaded primarily by groups of biomedical scientists, psychologists and economists, a reform movement pushing for more openness and verifiability in science has been underway: the Open Science Movement. This movement first started to gain momentum […]

Europe Biobank Week 2025


The most important event of the year in the global biobanking community! Join us at Bologna Congressi, Italy from 13-16 May 2025 at #EBW25 for the biggest biobanking networking opportunity, to meet industry representatives at the exhibition, discuss the newest findings and hot topics with experts from healthcare, academia, and industry, and attend high-quality scientific programmes. The congress will highlight state-of-the-art […]

Austrian NeuroCloud: FAIR data operations for neuroscience


Content: The Austrian NeuroCloud (ANC) is a FAIR-enabling platform designed to support sustainable research data management in cognitive neuroscience. It facilitates the entire lifecycle of neuroscientific data, from acquisition and storage to validation, metadata curation, publishing, and sharing. The platform equips researchers with essential tools to ensure data integrity and compliance with community standards. By […]

Skills4EOSC Digital Collections Curators Training


We would like to kindly invite you the 19.-20.05.2025 to the two-days training course “Open Science skills for Digital Collection Curators”. Under the framework of the Skills4EOSC Horizon Europe Project, this training aims to promote the establishment of Open Science (OS) skills and practices in Research Data Management (RDM) of digital scientific collections. Expected participants […]

EOSC-A’s 10th General Assembly


The 10th General Assembly meeting of the EOSC Association will be held as an in-person, lunch-to-lunch event on 27-28 May 2025 in Antwerp. Details regarding registration, event venue, accommodation options, and recommendations for things to do in Antwerp are provided below. GA#10 will take place alongside the closing event for the EOSC Focus project and the kick-off […]

Workshop on Open Citations and Open Scholarly Metadata


We invite to the Workshop Citations and Open Scholarly Metadata (WOOC) researchers, scholarly publishers, funders, policy makers, institutions, and open citations advocates, interested in the widespread adoption of practises for creation, sharing, reuse and improvement of open scholarly metadata. This year edition of the workshop will gravitate around the following theme: "Open Access of Research […]

International conference of Core Technologies for Life Science (CTLS)

Brno Brno, Czech Republic

We’re excited to invite you to join us at the CTLS 2025 Congress happening in the beautiful city of Brno! This gathering is going to be an excellent opportunity, bringing together core facility administrators, managers, researchers, and professionals to talk, collaborate, and dive into why core facilities are key to shaping the scientific world. Registration […]