Open Science meets AI: Implications for research processes and academic hiring decisions
The GOSI (Graz Open Science Initiative) hosts a discussion round titled “Open Science meets AI: Implications for research processes and academic hiring decisions” with contributions from different experts including Dr. Anne Gärtner (TU Dresden), rector Prof. Horst Bischof (TU Graz), vice rector Prof. Joachim Reidl (Uni Graz), Prof. Jana Lasser (RWTH Aachen), and Dr. Tony Ross-Hellauer (TU Graz).
The event will take place on January 31st 2024, 3-5pm at the IdeaLab (University of Graz) and is open to ALL interested people.
Please register (for free) for the event using the following link: https://www.termino.gv.at/meet/en/b/22ef07dc49b1dd9c8bdf211e31adf503-284148
IDea_Lab, Leechgasse 34, 8010 Graz