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Zertifikatsprogramm “Data Steward” an der Universität Wien: Rückblick auf die ersten zwei Jahre


Die Aus- und Weiterbildung von Data Stewards wird zunehmend zu einem Schwerpunktthema im Ausbau forschungsunterstützender Services in Österreich und international. Im bevorstehenden Webinar mit dem Titel „Zertifikatsprogramm „Data Steward“ an der Universität Wien: Rückblick auf die ersten zwei Jahre“ haben Sie die Gelegenheit, tiefer in die Entstehung und Entwicklung dieses Weiterbildungsangebots einzutauchen. Erfahren Sie mehr […]

Strategies for training and knowledge exchange with a consulting perspective


BioNT - BIO Network for Training - is an international consortium of academic entities and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). BioNT is dedicated to providing a comprehensive training program and fostering a community for digital skills relevant to the biotechnology industry and biomedical sector. With a curriculum tailored for both beginners and advanced professionals, BioNT aims to equip individuals with […]

Public Launch of the Skils4EOSC Competence Centres Network


During this virtual event, you will discover the Skills4EOSC Competence Centres (S4E CCs). According to the project's vision, these CCs are hubs for Open Science and EOSC activities in their respective countries or thematic domains. The S4E CCs are collaborative entities and networks bringing together extensive expertise in Open Science and data management across various domains. They provide training and […]

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen sicher nutzen mit Creative Commons Lizenzen


In dieser Ausgabe des OA-Talks führt uns Dr. Christoph Bruch in die Grundlagen der Creative Commons Lizenzen (CC-Lizenzen) ein. CC-Lizenzen sind Musterverträge, die weltweit genutzt werden, um eine freie Nutzung urheberrechtlich geschützter Werke rechtssicher zu ermöglichen. Im Vortrag werden die Rechtsgrundlagen für CC-Lizenzen erläutert und die verschiedenen Ausprägungen der Lizenzen vorgestellt. Dabei werden folgende Themen […]

Maturity Model for Pathogen Data Platforms


Maturity models are a useful tool to support data platform managers in assessing current gaps in their maturity and development lifecycle. The Pathogen Data Platform maturity model specifically targets managers of data platforms that host on pathogens, and associated, contextual sensitive, personal metadata. It was developed within ELIXIR-CONVERGE and tested in a pilot run within BY-COVID. It […]

How To Be Open: Libraries


Libraries are the heart of the scholarly ecosystem, acting as gateways to knowledge and resources for researchers, students, and the public. This session, led by Dr. Alwaleed Alkhaja, Head of Open Access and Copyright at Qatar National Library, will explore how libraries can embrace and promote Open Science principles, ensuring wider accessibility, transparency, and collaboration in […]

Towards a Transparent Transition to Open Access: The Current Data Landscape


LIBER’s Open Access Working Group invites you to this webinar to learn about the findings from two recent studies published on the financial aspects of transitioning to open access and to have a discussion roundtable on implications in libraries’ open access strategies moving forward. The webinar will be facilitated by Dr. Birgit Schmidt, Head of Knowledge Commons at the […]

Abschlussveranstaltung des Kooperationsprojekts DiTAH


Einladung zur online Abschlussveranstaltung des Kooperationsprojekts DiTAH "Digitale Transformation in den Österreichisches Geisteswissenschaften" Montag, 16. September 2024 von 14:00 bis 17:00 online unter Begrüßung durch Projektleiter (Univ.-Prof. Dr. M.A. Georg Vogeler) Begrüßung durch BMBWF und Vorstellung der Förderungsschiene (ALIN Mag.a Ursula Brustmann) DiTAH Projektvorstellung durch Projektleiter (Univ.-Prof. Dr. M.A. Georg Vogeler) DH Infrastrukturen in Österreich: […]

MONITOR Community Call – For Institutions


Are you interested in having a Dashboard in OpenAIRE-MONITOR and want to learn more about the service? Have you already got a Dashboard in OpenAIRE-MONITOR and interested in the recent updates of the service? Got questions about how you can fully benefit from the service? Join our dedicated community calls and learn more! Agenda: TBC […]

MONITOR Community Call – For Funders


Are you interested in having a Dashboard in OpenAIRE-MONITOR and want to learn more about the service? Have you already got a Dashboard in OpenAIRE-MONITOR and interested in the recent updates of the service? Got questions about how you can fully benefit from the service? Join our dedicated community calls and learn more! Agenda: TBC […]

Konsortialfinanzierung von Diamond Open Access -Welche Angebote gibt es und wie funktionieren sie


Im Rahmen des BMBF-geförderten Projekts KOALA-AV möchten wir Ihnen detaillierte Informationenzu verschiedenen Diamond-Open-Access-Konsortialangeboten vermitteln. KOALA-AV ist einKooperationsprojekt des Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM) der UniversitätKonstanz und der TIB - Leibniz-Informationszentrum Technik und Naturwissenschaften. Wir laden Sie herzlich zum digitalen Workshop ein: *Referent*innen* * Juliane Finger von OLEcon (ZBW) * Sebastian Schaarschmidt von KOALA (SLUB) * Marco […]

DataCite Annual Community Meeting


How Discovery Systems Use DataCite Metadata: Harvester Roundtable During the session, we will provide an overview of some of the cutting edge tools and services available for working with DataCite metadata, including our APIs, DataCite Commons, the public data file, and beyond. Alongside this, we will hear from some of the key players who are […]

Shaping the Future of Cultural Heritage: “Connecting the Cultural Heritage Cloud with the common European data space for cultural heritage and the European Open Science Cloud”


The Cultural Heritage Cloud – or European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) – is a European Union initiative to create a digital infrastructure that will connect cultural heritage researchers and professionals across the EU. It will develop specific digital collaborative tools for the sector while removing barriers for smaller and remote institutions. The goal […]

The cOAlition S initiative and the road ahead


This presentation highlights cOAlition S, an initiative dedicated to making full and immediate Open Access to research publications a reality. The Executive Director of cOAlition S, Johan Rooryck will briefly present the work of cOAlition S in the last five years and subsequently present the plans that cOAlition S is currently preparing for the next five […]



Die FAIR-Prinzipien (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) sind mittlerweile die anerkannten Leitlinien im Umgang mit Forschungsdaten und legen den Fokus auf technische und organisatorische Aspekte wie die Annotation von Metadaten, die Veröffentlichung und Registrierung von DOIs sowie die Vergabe von Lizenzen für eine möglichst freie Nachnutzbarkeit. Die möglichst freie Verfügbarkeit und ein freier Datenaustausch sind die gesetzten […]

OpenAIRE Content Providers Community Call


The OpenAIRE PROVIDE management team are hosting a webconference call with the OpenAIRE content providers community. This is an opportunity to present and discuss recent developments from OpenAIRE, upcoming releases from the provide related services and other related relevant topics, in particular a time to discuss and give feedback about interoperability issues and the OpenAIRE […]

FAIR Principles in national and institutional data management policies in Denmark


The FAIR National Roadshow series is visiting Denmark on the 4th of October 2024! The event will be virtually hosted by the Danish e-Infrastructure Consortium (DeiC), the University of Copenhagen and Copenhagen Business School, in Denmark. The aim of this event is to present the FAIR principles in Danish national and institutional data management policies, […]

Galaxy Training Academy


The event will provide a self-paced online learning experience for learners who would like to dive into the depths of Galaxy data analysis. The event is similar to the Smörgåsbord, but the program will be more structured. On Monday learners can get to know Galaxy and its various functionalities. Between Tuesday and Thursday, learners can […]

Bringing EOSC Task Force Outcomes to the Austrian Research Data Management Community


Event Description:  Since 2020, the EOSC Association has been leading the charge mandated by the European Commission to create a federated, interoperable structure for data, especially data produced by publically funded research projects. To start giving shape to the European Open Science Cloud, 13 Task Forces were formed (2021-2023) on various aspects of research data […]