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RDA’s 22nd Plenary Meeting


The Research Data Alliance’s 22nd Plenary meeting (VP22) is now confirmed and will take place as a fully virtual event. Organised by the RDA Secretariat, VP22 will be held for half-days spread across two weeks, between 14-23 May 2024. With the theme “Local Action – Global Connection”, which also aligns with the four themes of RDA’s […]

Assessing Open Access Books: Shedding Light on Peer Review with PRISM


This webinar will present the Peer Review Information Service for Monographs (PRISM) and discuss how it can be used in research assessment. PRISM aims to enhance trust in Open Access book publishing through increased transparency in the peer review process, offering publishers a standardised platform to display their peer review procedures, integrate metadata, ultimately building trust in Open […]

Assessing national current FAIR-enabling capabilities


The “FAIR Implementation Workshop – Assessing national current FAIR-enabling capabilities” will take place on 14 May 2024 14:00-16:00 CEST. Confirm your registration below. Note: Registration for the workshop is free but mandatory. The Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA) is a group of organisations who work on harmonising the assessment of research. It takes into account […]

URN:NBN webinar


Join us for an exciting URN:NBN webinar hosted by the National Library of Finland on 15 May 2024, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (UTC +2) or 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Finnish time). Explore the upcoming URN:NBN landscape report and discover the PID meta resolver developed for EOSC by the FAIRCORE4EOSC project. Dive into […]

How to: Aufbau eines institutionellen OER-Ökosystems – Einblicke in Open Educational Resources an der Universität Wien


In der dynamischen Hochschullandschaft hat sich die Integration von Open Educational Resources (OER) zu einer zentralen Kraft entwickelt, die Zugänglichkeit von Wissen, Innovation in der Lehre und Zusammenarbeit von Expert*innen vorantreibt. Dieses Webinar befasst sich mit dem Aufbau eines institutionellen OER-Ökosystems aus der Hochschul-Perspektive und gibt Einblicke in eine Umsetzung am Beispiel der Universität Wien. […]

The WorldFAIR Project: The journey so far and next steps


This special double session co-located with the RDA Virtual Plenary 22 is designed to show case the outputs from the WorldFAIR project and to discuss next steps. The event is open to all; you do not need to be a member of the WorldFAIR consortium to join. WorldFAIR has a number of distinctive features that are worthy of […]

A Guide to FAIR Bioimage Data 2024


Do you perform biological imaging and want to maximise the potential of your bioimaging data? Join us for the second instalment of our free online workshop, 'Euro-BioImaging's Guide to FAIR Bioimage Data,' on Thursday, 23 May 2024, from 14:00 to 17:00 CEST. Everyone is welcome! About the workshop In this interactive online workshop we will introduce […]

Advancing Data Exchange Innovations in FAIR Data Spaces | Second Open Call


Overview: The FAIR Data Spaces project, coordinated by Fraunhofer, is at the forefront of integrating services from Gaia-X, International Data Spaces (IDS), the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The project has already launched several demonstrators (see Technical Foundations), showcasing its practical applications in areas such as biodiversity, research […]

Your Work | Your Choice. Open Research an der UdK Berlin am Beispiel des Forschungsdatenmanagements


Die Universität der Künste Berlin betrachtet Open Research und damit auch Forschungsdatenmanagement immer im Kontext von Kunst und Wissenschaft. Die damit verfolgte offene Zugänglichkeit, Nachvollziehbarkeit und – wo möglich – Nachnutzbarkeit künstlerischer wie wissenschaftlicher Prozesse ist ein Zusammenspiel diverser Aspekte, die noch dazu zahlreichen rechtlichen wie technischen Fragen unterliegen. Zudem sind an der UdK Berlin […]

The WorldFAIR Webinar Series: Guidelines and Recommendations from the Case Study on Population Health


The Implementation Network for Sharing Population Information from Research Entities (INSPIRE) project is assembling technologies and standards in support of a data hub that facilitates federated and/or shared research capable of interoperating across often-neglected low-resource settings: it aims to provide a platform-as-a-service, which can make data of disparate types available to many different styles of […]

The research data insider: Introducing the GORC model


The Global Open Research Commons International (GORC) model describes how the research infrastructure ecology is moving towards providing shared virtual spaces or platforms, presenting the researchers with a marketplace of and for data and services. But what is the GORC Model actually? And how does this approach apply to and affect the development of research […]

EULiST Alliance interactive Virtual Round Tables (VRT) on the European Open Science Cloud


A moderated interactive virtual round table with Karel Luyben, President of the EOSC Association.   The discussion will be moderated by Paolo Budroni, EULiST Alliance Local Coordinator at TU Wien. The VRT will have the character of a mini-workshop and a duration comparable to a radio broadcast, in which an expert (Karel Luyben) will be […]

Forthcoming webinar: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) in the Institutional Publishing Ecosystem


You are invited to a webinar on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB)  in the Institutional Publishing Ecosystem. This joint DIAMAS/C4DISC webinar will be a thought-provoking, 90-minute webinar where the findings of the DIAMAS Institutional Publishing Landscape survey, and the sections of the DIAMAS Extensible Quality Standard in Institutional Publishing (EQSIP) and Toolsuite and Guidelines, […]

Embrace the Open: How to start an institutional OE pilot project


We are delighted to invite you to the eighth event in our ENOEL Workshop series, on 4 June 2024 at 4-5:50 PM CEST. The workshop topic is “Embrace the Open: How to start an institutional OE pilot project”.   Our workshop facilitators are Claudia Hackl, Open Education Austria Advanced | University of Vienna  (Austria), Mira […]

FAIR-IMPACT’s virtual clinic for potential applicants to the 2nd open call for repository support programme


FAIR-IMPACT launched our 2nd open call for Route 1 expert support (non-financial) on 2nd May 2024. Applications are invited to join the support programme targeted to Repositories & Data service Providers The deadline for applications is June 14th, 2024. For those who are considering applying to the open call for support this workshop provides an informal opportunity […]

BY-COVID Spring 2024 Baseline Use Case Workshop: Integration of individual-level socioeconomic data for infectious diseases research and prevention in Europe


We are pleased to invite you and/or your representatives to the BY-COVID project Workshop on Integration of individual-level socioeconomic data for infectious diseases research and prevention in Europe. The BY-COVID project aims to make data on COVID-19 and other infectious diseases available to scientists and the wider public. This workshop is part of the BY-COVID project's Work […]

New Repositories for New Biodiversity Research


Recent technology-driven advances in biodiversity research have created a need for more, new types of FAIR repositories. In this meetup, we discuss two of these. Firstly, the broad and expanding application of AI-based methods in image/sound/text/sequence classification has created a need for repositories for exchanging pre-trained models and their training data. Secondly, the advent of […]

Advancing Research Data Management and Open Science in Austria


The aim of this event is to present the work done in Austria on the national level and also learn about European developments and results of EOSC-related projects such as FAIR-Impact. The event will debate around metadata and semantic interoperability, as well as FAIR-enabling repositories and Austrian National Open Science Policies.