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Die EOSC ist Online! Was heißt das und wie geht es weiter?


Seit den drei EOSC Coffee Lectures im ersten Quartal 2024 hat sich die EOSC in großen Schritten weiterentwickelt. Besonders erwähnenswert ist, dass während des EOSC Symposiums in Berlin die Produktivversion des EOSC EU Node der EOSC Community vorgestellt wird. Damit sind Basisfunktionalitäten der EOSC nutzbar, was die Voraussetzung dafür ist, dass sich weitere nationale, regionale […]


Universität Wien

Almost a whole year has passed since our last PHAIDRAcon. Our team is already busy planning this year's meet-up and we are really looking forward to catching up with our PHAIDRA partners and familiar faces over exciting presentations, coffee and cake. This year’s theme, “Building and Preserving the Value of Digital Assets”, promises insightful sessions on […]

Info webinar on data access for researchers under the Digital Services Act


Under article 40 of the Digital Services Act (DSA), vetted researchers will be able to request data from very large online platforms (VLOPs) and search engines (VLOSEs) to conduct research on systemic risks in the EU. A draft delegated act clarifies the procedures leading to the sharing of data by VLOPs and VLOSEs with vetted […]

Data Visualization with R and Jupyter


As part of Infra4NextGen, AUSSDA – The Austrian Social Science Data Archive is hosting a webinar on Data Vizualisation in R and Jupyter for social science researchers, MA and PhD students. In the first part of the webinar, participants will learn the basics of visualizations, understand the criteria for good science graphics, get to know […]

MTSR Conference 2024

Athens Athens, Greece

Cultural Heritage collections are essential knowledge infrastructures that provide a solid representation of the historical background of human communities. These knowledge infrastructures are constructed from and integrate cultural information derived from diverse memory institutions, mainly libraries, archives and museums. Each individual community has spent a lot of effort in order to develop, support and promote […]

11th GDI Forum


The 11th Research Data Management Forum will take place on the 21st and 22nd of November, at the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu. IMPORTANT DATES Proposal submission period : April 15th to September 11th Notification to proponents  (flash talks and posters): September 23  Participant registration : June 3rd to November 15th Holding of the 11th GDI Forum : 21st and […]

EOSC-A 9th General Assembly


The 9th EOSC Association General Assembly will take place online on Friday, 22 November 2024. The virtual meeting gives you the opportunity to conveniently join us from your preferred location, to vote on decision items, and to contribute to critical discussions that impact the direction of EOSC-A. Notably, we anticipate that four Board of Directors positions will […]

RDA TIGER Cross-Fertilisation Webinar Series – Semantic Interoperability


RDA TIGER is pleased to announce an upcoming series of webinars on cross-fertilisation and knowledge-sharing between RDA Working Groups across different domains. Each of the three webinars will be thematically focused, allowing WGs to share their work with peers and identify shared challenges and opportunities for further collaboration. We’re inviting anyone with an interest in the […]

Webinar FAIR Data Principles 3 | Applying FAIR Principles through the (ocean) data management value chain


This webinar is the third in a series of three Blue-Cloud 2026 Training Academy webinars on FAIR* Data Principles. REGISTER NOW Following on from our Blue-Cloud 2026 FAIR Data Principles 1 (Sep 2023) and 2  (Apr 2024) webinars, the upcoming third webinar is dedicated to exploring the practical application of FAIR Principles throughout the entire data value chain. This comprehensive […]

Digitale Bibliothek: Zurück (und) in die Zukunft

Meerscheinschlössl, Universität Graz

Die Tagungsreihe Digitale Bibliothek lädt vom 28.-29. November 2024 zum Jubiläum an die Universität Graz, Österreich! Die 10. Digitale Bibliothek trägt den Titel "Zurück (und) in die Zukunft" Technische und gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen für Kultur- und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen Was bleibt, was kommt, was geht? Die Tagung bietet ein bewährtes Forum zur Diskussion der spezifischen Herausforderungen, denen sich die Kultur- und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen bei […]

Open Science and Reproducible Research in RStudio and Jupyter Notebook​


In the first part of this two-day workshop, participants will learn the basics of open science and reproducible research. They will learn the difference between replicability and computational reproducibility, know what FAIR data is, and be aware of how to handle personal and sensitive data. In the second part, participants will learn the basic reproducible […]

Democratizing science: implementation pathways of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science in the Arab region


The UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Rabat is organizing a regional symposium entitled “Democratizing science: implementation pathways of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science in the Arab region”. The event is organized in partnership with the World Federation of Scientific Workers, ALECSO as well as UNESCO field offices in the Arab region, on November 28 […]

RDA TIGER Cascading Grants


1. Call description and supported activities This open call seeks applications from individuals and legal entities that are eligible for Horizon Europe funding who wish to receive financial support to enhance the activities or the adoption of the results of the RDA Working Groups (WGs). This call invites the following types of applications: RDA WGs […]

Call for inputs: Global Consultation on the Draft Principles of Open Science Monitoring


As part of the ongoing efforts to advance open science monitoring in alignment with the 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, UNESCO is calling for inputs and comments from all the regions and interested stakeholders on the Draft Principles for Open Science Monitoring. Deadline for inputs: 30 November 2024 By adopting the 2021 UNESCO Recommendation […]

OSC Incubator Program Winter/Spring Edition 2025


In this online incubator program, offered twice per year, we will assist up to 10 participants from around the globe in setting-up their local Open Science Community. The incubator program is a 16-week online program, based on the OSC Starter Kit, and consists of six modules: 1. Community Identity 2. Community Engagement 3. Communication Strategy 4. […]


Teinfaltstraße 8, A-1010 Vienna Teinfaltstraße 8, Vienna

We are very happy to invite you all to our next EOSC Café on Tuesday, 3rd of December (10:00 – 12:00). This time we will hold the meeting in physical format only; We would be happy to meet and exchange news and ideas with many of you in person this time. The Agenda for the […]


Restaurant Giorgina Bankgasse 2, Vienna

In ungezwungener Atmosphäre möchten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit bieten, sich bei einem gemeinsamen Mittagessen und Getränken zu vernetzen und mit anderen Akteur:innen aus dem Bereich der Forschungsinfrastrukturen auszutauschen. Nach einer kurzen Begrüßung und einem Überblick über aktuelle Entwicklungen werden wir bewusst auf eine fixe Agenda verzichten, um Raum für spontane Themen und offene Diskussionen zu […]

Save the date for the 1st Open Science Monitoring Initiative public meeting


We are pleased to invite you to the first Open Science Monitoring Initiative (OSMI) public meeting on Wednesday, 4 December 2024 between 2.30 pm and 4 pm CET. This meeting is open to everyone and will be recorded. The OSMI Coordination Committee will outline the issues and the reasons behind establishing the Initiative, and OSMI’s goals in brief. […]

3rd Open Call for Financial Support


The final open call for financial (Route 2) support is open for applications from 9th October to 4th December 2024. Applicants can apply to join the following support actions.    #1: Managing data types, schemas and vocabularies and crosswalks for FAIR researcher related metadata  The support action will introduce successful applicants to three tools developed […]