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Berlin Berlin, Germany

The EOSC Symposium will take place in Berlin from October 21-23, 2024. NFDI is the mandated organisation for Germany in the EOSC Association and is a partner at the EOSC Symposium. NFDI would like to use this opportunity for exchange in Germany and is therefore organising a side event together with EOSC on October 23-24, […]

3rd International Conference on Open Science and Innovation in Ukraine


The 3rd International Conference on Open Science and Innovation in Ukraine will feature a comprehensive program including keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and presentations by renowned researchers, industry leaders, and policymakers. The conference sections have been meticulously designed in alignment with the National Action Plan for Open Science, covering topics such as the development of […]

Call for candidates for four EOSC-A Director positions


The call for candidates for four EOSC-A Board of Director positions has been launched for the 2024 elections, which will take place during the 9th General Assembly of the EOSC Association. GA#9 is an online meeting to be held 22 November 2024. The terms of three EOSC-A Directors are concluding (with one of these eligible […]

FAIR-DI European Conference on Data Intelligence 2024

Karlsruhe Karlsruhe, Germany

Building on the success of previous editions, we are pleased to announce the upcoming FAIR-DI European Conference on Data Intelligence 2024. Following the remarkable achievements and insightful discussions at the 2020 and 2022 Conferences on a FAIR Data Infrastructure for Materials Genomics, we are excited to continue the discussion and further collaboration and innovation in this […]

FAIR-DI European Conference on Data Intelligence 2024

Karlsruhe Karlsruhe, Germany

Building on the success of previous editions, we are pleased to announce the upcoming FAIR-DI European Conference on Data Intelligence 2024. Following the remarkable achievements and insightful discussions at the 2020 and 2022 Conferences on a FAIR Data Infrastructure for Materials Genomics, we are excited to continue the discussion and further collaboration and innovation in this […]



Better Software for better Science The 13th Iberian Grid Conference will take place in Porto, Portugal, from Monday 28th to Wednesday 30th of October. Important Dates 5th July - 30th September - Call for abstracts (submission in this Indico) 3th July - 4th October - Registration (at this indico)  28th - 30th October - Conference

DeiC Conference 2024


The conference is the annual event for everyone interested in e-infrastructure in Danish research. Here you can gain new knowledge and professional input in areas such as Data Management, HPC, Security, Network & Services, and Quantum Computing. The DeiC Conference is also the place to nurture and develop your professional network. By registering before August […]

Skills4EOSC Workshop: Science4Policy – Bridging the gap between research and decision-making


November 4-5, 2024. Rome, CNR (National Research Council), Piazzale Aldo Moro 1 The ability to communicate science effectively is becoming increasingly crucial in empowering society, especially in the context of evidence-informed policymaking. To address this need, SKILLS4EOSC is organising a two-day interactive workshop to enhance researchers' communication skills and facilitate dialogue with policymakers. This workshop […]

Marine User Days Conference


The EUMETSAT Marine User Days will bring together existing and prospective users from across the diverse marine user community. Focusing on the data provided by the European organisations involved in the Copernicus programme and their role in oceanography and marine applications, the event will act as a showcase for use cases. It is also a […]

Blue-Cloud | General Assembly & Technical and Scientific Committee


The Blue-Cloud 2026 team is gathering for its 4th General Assembly (GA) meeting and Technical and Scientific Committee (TSC) meeting, which takes place at the Instituto Hidrográfico in Lisbon, Portugal, from 5 to 8 November 2024. This meeting offers the consortium a valuable opportunity to reflect on the progress made over the first two years of the […]

Blue-Cloud first federation workshop


Workshop Overview The Blue-Cloud Horizon Europe project is introducing a federated model where Blue research infrastructures (RIs) and other data and service infrastructures and technological providers make their services available to the community via agreed, FAIR formats and technology that the Open Science Community in Europe (under the umbrella of EOSC) recommends or accepts. The Blue-Cloud […]

Empowering Europe’s Green Deal: Open Science Skills and Taxonomy for sustainable innovation

Vienna House / Brussels; Avenue de Tervueren 58; B-1040

For policy-makers, this event offers a unique opportunity to understand how Open Science skills can enhance evidence-based decision-making across various domains. The focus on taxonomy provides a tangible example of how these skills can be applied to support key policy areas such as biodiversity conservation and the implementation of the EU Green Deal. The event […]

European Tripartite Event

Budapest Budapest, Hungary

The fifth European Tripartite Event will take place on Wednesday, 07 November 2024  09:30-12:30 CEST in Budapest, Hungary. The participation is on invitation only.

RDA 23rd Plenary Meeting

San José , Costa Rica

The Research Data Alliance is delighted to announce the 23rd Plenary Meeting taking place in the capital of Costa Rica – San José on 12-14 November 2024. The 23rd Plenary edition will be held in a hybrid format with in-person and online audience. San José sits in the middle of the country in the Central Valley, and it is surrounded […]

MTSR Conference 2024

Athens Athens, Greece

Cultural Heritage collections are essential knowledge infrastructures that provide a solid representation of the historical background of human communities. These knowledge infrastructures are constructed from and integrate cultural information derived from diverse memory institutions, mainly libraries, archives and museums. Each individual community has spent a lot of effort in order to develop, support and promote […]

11th GDI Forum


The 11th Research Data Management Forum will take place on the 21st and 22nd of November, at the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu. IMPORTANT DATES Proposal submission period : April 15th to September 11th Notification to proponents  (flash talks and posters): September 23  Participant registration : June 3rd to November 15th Holding of the 11th GDI Forum : 21st and […]

EOSC-A 9th General Assembly


The 9th EOSC Association General Assembly will take place online on Friday, 22 November 2024. The virtual meeting gives you the opportunity to conveniently join us from your preferred location, to vote on decision items, and to contribute to critical discussions that impact the direction of EOSC-A. Notably, we anticipate that four Board of Directors positions will […]

Webinar FAIR Data Principles 3 | Applying FAIR Principles through the (ocean) data management value chain


This webinar is the third in a series of three Blue-Cloud 2026 Training Academy webinars on FAIR* Data Principles. REGISTER NOW Following on from our Blue-Cloud 2026 FAIR Data Principles 1 (Sep 2023) and 2  (Apr 2024) webinars, the upcoming third webinar is dedicated to exploring the practical application of FAIR Principles throughout the entire data value chain. This comprehensive […]

Democratizing science: implementation pathways of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science in the Arab region


The UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Rabat is organizing a regional symposium entitled “Democratizing science: implementation pathways of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science in the Arab region”. The event is organized in partnership with the World Federation of Scientific Workers, ALECSO as well as UNESCO field offices in the Arab region, on November 28 […]