The EOSC Symposium is the main EOSC annual event and this year takes place in Prague, Czech Republic, from 14th-17th November 2022.
Over 500 stakeholders from ministries, policy makers, research performing organisations, service providers, research infrastructures and research communities across Europe and beyond are expected to attend the Symposium to reflect on the EOSC key achievements and strategic challenges and to identify priorities and concrete actions at European, national, and institutional level to speed up the EOSC implementation.
For more information on plenary sessions, project presentations & use cases, please consult the event programme. Sessions will cover a variety of EOSC-related topics from FAIR to interoperability, cross-disciplinary data sharing to infrastructure federation, in addition to dedicated EOSC Future sessions.
EOSC Tripartite Event at EOSC Symposium 2022
15 November 9:30-12:30 CET
This session opens the EOSC Symposium 2022, the main EOSC annual event. Last year, the Council of the European Union defined the specific policy priorities of 2022-2024 for the establishment of the New European Research Area (ERA) as a “researchers-centred, value-based, excellence as well as impact-driven area, in which researchers, knowledge and technology are supported and can circulate freely.” The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) was highlighted as the key to facilitate the creation of ”a truly functioning internal market for knowledge” by enabling the open sharing of knowledge and the re-use of research outputs. By being the data space for science, research and innovation, EOSC is therefore the essential facilitator for the realisation of the European Data Strategy. In this session we will hear the perspectives of the European Commission and of the three countries hosting the presidency of the Council of the EU in 2022-2023 (France – Czechia – Sweden)
The session also presents the main achievements of the EOSC tripartite collaboration and the plans for 2023. In the session, the new EOSC logo will be announced and the new Horizon Europe programme will be welcomed.
All Horizon Europe Partnerships must formulate a reference monitoring framework, based on the general, specific, and operational objectives of their strategic agendas, allowing the progress to be tracked, towards achieving the specific Partnership goals. Such monitoring frameworks focus on Partnership-specific objectives and indicators, while being comparable, in terms of standards and methodology. The proposed frameworks are meant to allow for a low-burden assessment of the community achievements and their impact, over time, as well as the potential need for corrective measures. This session gives an overview of the achievements on Monitoring of EOSC and Open Science.
Venue and accommodation
The Symposium will take place at the Clarion Congress Hotel Prague. For those interested in booking a room at the same venue, please note that there are preferential rates available to Symposium participants under the following link. More information on the venue and accommodation here.
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If you have any questions surrounding the Symposium, you can reach out to symposium22@eoscfuture.eu.