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Stronger Together | EURASHE 33RD Annual Conference

St. Pölten , Austria

FOSTERING TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION IN APPLIED UNIVERSITIES With a focus on collobration and cooperation the EURASHE 33rd conference will bring together a number of different stakeholders from the Higher Education community to discuss and draft a shared path on relevant topics for the present and the future of education. See the full programme and book your spot!

The WorldFAIR Project: The journey so far and next steps


This special double session co-located with the RDA Virtual Plenary 22 is designed to show case the outputs from the WorldFAIR project and to discuss next steps. The event is open to all; you do not need to be a member of the WorldFAIR consortium to join. WorldFAIR has a number of distinctive features that are worthy of […]

Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities Conference 2024

Arts Millennium Building Galway, H91 TK33, Ireland

RESSH 2024 - Open Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Evaluation, Infrastructure and Practices The RESSH 2024 Conference, titled "Open Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences: Evaluation, Infrastructure, and Practices," aims to explore the intersection of open research and evaluation criteria within the social sciences and humanities. It discusses the promotion of an […]

A Guide to FAIR Bioimage Data 2024


Do you perform biological imaging and want to maximise the potential of your bioimaging data? Join us for the second instalment of our free online workshop, 'Euro-BioImaging's Guide to FAIR Bioimage Data,' on Thursday, 23 May 2024, from 14:00 to 17:00 CEST. Everyone is welcome! About the workshop In this interactive online workshop we will introduce […]

Call for EOSC Federation Handbook Contributors


The EOSC Federation Handbook will comprehensively address the purpose, structure, governance, architecture and operations of the EOSC Federation. The Tripartite Group, which has the remit within the EOSC Partnership’s Tripartite Governance to steer the community development of the EOSC Federation, has endorsed EOSC-A to continue to lead the community-wide co-creation of the EOSC Federation Handbook. […]

Natural Scientific Language Processing and Research Knowledge Graphs

Crete , Greece

The Extended Semantic Web Conference is a major venue for discussing the latest scientific results and technology innovations around semantic technologies. Building on its past success, ESWC is seeking to broaden its focus to span other relevant related research areas in which Web semantics plays an important role. The goal of the Semantic Web is […]

Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024

Chiba Prefecture , Japan

The JpGU Meeting 2024 will be held at Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture for six days from May 26 to 31, 2024. The coming meeting will be held in a hybrid format, as was the case in previous two meetings. While retaining the advantages of the hybrid format, including the ability to allow participation from […]

EOSC-A General Assembly #8

Irish College Leuven Janseniusstraat 1 Leuven, 3000 Belgium, Leuven, Belgium

The EOSC Association's 8th General Assembly will be a lunch-to-lunch, in-person meeting to be held 27-28 May 2024.

IMDIS 2024

Bergen Bergen, Norway

The IMDIS series of conferences provides an overview of current information systems addressing the needs of a wide range of users in ocean science. This year’s edition is structured around four main sessions: data services and tools in ocean science; technical developments for marine information and data management; marine environmental infrastructures for observation data; and […]

Infectious Diseases Toolkit (IDTk) Contentathon 2024

Tallinn , Estonia

BeYond-COVID (BY-COVID) project collects comprehensive open data on SARS-CoV-2 and other infectious diseases across scientific, medical, public health and policy domains. Into the Infectious Disease Toolkit (IDTk), we gather knowledge we wish we had when the pandemic hit us in the spring of 2020. At the contentathon participants will contribute to writing guidelines for data handling, […]

CRAFT-OA Summer School 2024

Telc , Czech Republic

CRAFT-OA 2024 Summer School for Journal Editors Designed for editors proficient in Open Journal Systems (OJS), this program offers basic as well as advanced training to refine editorial skills and elevate the standards of Diamond Open Access publishing. Participants will delve into diverse aspects of OJS, gain insights into alternative journal management systems, and engage […]

Advancing Data Exchange Innovations in FAIR Data Spaces | Second Open Call


Overview: The FAIR Data Spaces project, coordinated by Fraunhofer, is at the forefront of integrating services from Gaia-X, International Data Spaces (IDS), the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The project has already launched several demonstrators (see Technical Foundations), showcasing its practical applications in areas such as biodiversity, research […]

Your Work | Your Choice. Open Research an der UdK Berlin am Beispiel des Forschungsdatenmanagements


Die Universität der Künste Berlin betrachtet Open Research und damit auch Forschungsdatenmanagement immer im Kontext von Kunst und Wissenschaft. Die damit verfolgte offene Zugänglichkeit, Nachvollziehbarkeit und – wo möglich – Nachnutzbarkeit künstlerischer wie wissenschaftlicher Prozesse ist ein Zusammenspiel diverser Aspekte, die noch dazu zahlreichen rechtlichen wie technischen Fragen unterliegen. Zudem sind an der UdK Berlin […]

European Maritime Day

Svendborg , Denmark

Established in 2008, European Maritime Day (EMD) is the annual EU meeting point on maritime affairs and sustainable blue growth, and the place where ‘Ocean Leaders Meet’ as the slogan goes. It is also a public event reaching out to young people and citizens across Europe through local events. EMD has not only enabled many […]

The WorldFAIR Webinar Series: Guidelines and Recommendations from the Case Study on Population Health


The Implementation Network for Sharing Population Information from Research Entities (INSPIRE) project is assembling technologies and standards in support of a data hub that facilitates federated and/or shared research capable of interoperating across often-neglected low-resource settings: it aims to provide a platform-as-a-service, which can make data of disparate types available to many different styles of […]

The research data insider: Introducing the GORC model


The Global Open Research Commons International (GORC) model describes how the research infrastructure ecology is moving towards providing shared virtual spaces or platforms, presenting the researchers with a marketplace of and for data and services. But what is the GORC Model actually? And how does this approach apply to and affect the development of research […]

Open Science Community Incubator Program


In this online incubator program, offered twice per year, we will assist up to 10 participants from around the globe in setting-up their local Open Science Community. The incubator program is a 16-week online program, based on the OSC Starter Kit, and consists of six modules: 1. Community Identity 2. Community Engagement 3. Communication Strategy 4. […]

8th World Conference on Research Integrity

Athens Athens, Greece

Join this established conference on research integrity in Athens. One output of this biannual conference will be the Athens Statement following the same practice that has been applied in the previous conferences. The activities within the Focus Track  on catalysing the translation of research into trustworthy policy and innovation  will be used to enrich the Athens Statement. […]

Call for EOSC Symposium Posters


This year’s EOSC Symposium is steadily approaching and the work has started to prepare an interesting, engaging and thought-provoking event for you! To ensure that the Symposium programme reflects the voice of the EOSC community, we would like to invite you to join us in shaping the programme through a call for posters. This is […]

Open Repositories Conference 2024

Gothenburg Gothenburg, Sweden

OR2024 is an excellent place for companies and organisations that deal with digital asset management, digital storage, research information systems, scholarly publications, open access and open data to be seen and interact with participants. The event gives access to a large audience of potential customers and partners as well as insights into what is hot […]