EOSC Support Office Austria – Newsletter #1, November 2022
The second General Assembly of the EOSC Support Office Austria was the perfect opportunity to present the impressive achievements of the past year and provided a welcome networking opportunity, both in person and online. It was a testament to our commitment to the cause and proof of what can be achieved when we all work together towards a common goal.
This joint work within the Austrian EOSC initiative is also attracting attention abroad and it is therefore very gratifying that high representatives of the EOSC Association, the EOSC Steering Board and the European Commission, appreciated our efforts with their presence. This is made possible by a combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches, highly motivated partners and a well-established intra- and inter-organizational network.
We, EOSC-Austria, wish you all a pleasant reading and thank you for your engagement with the initiative.

After an intense first year of activity, the EOSC Support Office Austria gathered at TU Graz for its second General Assembly. You can read here all about what happened at this event, including the presentation of the new Management Board.
The EOSC Austria Working Groups’ aim is to advance EOSC-relevant topics in Austria
Find out the goals and latest results of the Working Groups ‘Austria Country Profile’, ‘Collections’, ‘Data Stewardship’, ‘KPIs’, ‘Researcher Engagement in Austria’, ‘Stakeholder Engagement’, ‘Technical Infrastructure’ and ‘Training’ here.
EOSC Austria: Visions, needs and requirements for research data and practices
In this interview computer scientist Thomas Lampoltshammer discusses the importance of data documentation to ensure data quality and trust in data.
EOSC Support Office Austria
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