EOSC Support Office Austria – Newsletter #4, December 2023
In this edition of the Newsletter, we take a look back at the last quarter of 2023 and start looking ahead to an exciting new year.
On 18th October our 3rd Annual General Assembly, which was graciously hosted at the Natural History Museum in Vienna, marked the end of a successful period of administrative structuring for the Support Office Austria and provided a stage for those stepping into new roles within the organization. For those who were not in attendance, this recap, including a gallery of lovely faces, will fill you in on the details and make you feel like you were there.
In November, the first annual Austrian European Research Area Symposium, Unlocking the Value of Knowledge, at the Hotel Savoyen in Vienna took place. Meghan Bohardt, the newest member of the Secretariat team, based at the University of Vienna Library, attended the Open Science session. The topics of research assessment reform, the EOSC, and legal frameworks for Open Science in Austria lent themselves to lively discussions with practicing experts and researchers alike.
December is reserved for internal meetings to assess the activities of the last year and discuss our priorities for 2024. Our guiding vision for this has been provided by the new Management Board Chair, Tereza Kalová:
Dear Members and Supporters of the EOSC SOA,
I am honored to address you as the newly elected Chair of the Management Board of the EOSC Support Office Austria. Building on the rich legacy of Austria’s active involvement in the development of the European Open Science Cloud, I would like to share our key focus for 2024. Throughout the past two years, we have increasingly recognized the need to bridge the gap between European developments and the capacities of research institutions in Austria. There is a need to create opportunities also for smaller research institutions such as universities of applied sciences, research institutions, and museums to better connect with the evolving landscape. As such, the primary goal for 2024 is to build our community in Austria further. We strive to disseminate the tangible outcomes of the EOSC Projects and EOSC Task Forces while highlighting Austria’s contributions, and providing value to our existing and future members. This requires acknowledging the dedication of the EOSC SOA Secretariat, our vital backbone, and leveraging their expertise. Together, let’s help make both our workforce and infrastructure EOSC-ready. I look forward to collaborating with you in the year ahead.
In that vein, we at the Secretariat wish you a wonderful winter holiday and look forward to connecting with you in the new year.
EOSC Austria: Visions, needs and requirements for research data and practices
In this interview Marcus Huber, a quantum physicist, talks about the serious issue of data storage when preserving all data produced. He also discusses the lack of balance in the distribution of scientific work and invested resources in the review process of research grants.
Calls and Programmes

The EGU General Assembly 2024 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.
The call for abstracts is open through 10 January 2024 at 13:00 CET.
The new calls for the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) have been opened, supporting the objective of delivering a trusted virtual environment supporting Open Science by creating a “Web of FAIR Data and Services” for Science.
The call closes on the 12th of March 2024.
An event dedicated to the aspects of Open Science and specially organised for the universities in Styria. This is a great opportunity to find out about the latest developments in Open Science, learn from the experiences of others and actively participate in discussions.
15 January 2024. Graz. Austria
Looking for a national exchange on Research Data Management? The Shared RDM project organises a monthly national RDM exchange and gain new insights into how RDM is done in other organisations in Austria and learn how others have tackled challenging situations that are all too familiar to you.
24 January 2024. online
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