EOSC Austria: Visions, needs and requirements for research data and practices #8

The Working Group Researcher Engagement in Austria – have just published our 8th interview. Josef Küng, a computer scientist, talks about the need for large data sets and challenges regarding the access to such data sets. He also touches the topic of quality checks, reference systems and descriptions to increase trust in data quality.

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EOSC Austria: Visions, needs and requirements for research data and practices #7

In the 7th interview published by the WG Researcher Engagement, Birgit Wassermann, a microbiome researcher, shares how data sharing has become a common practice in her field and how the availability of data has led through scientific breakthroughs. She also explains that microbiome research could benefit from more data storage space and metadata standards.

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EOSC Austria: Visions, needs and requirements for research data and practices #6

The Working Group Researcher Engagement has published its sixth interview on research data and practices. Angela Fabris, a literature and film scientist at the Universität Klagenfurt provides an insight into her field of research, the types of data she is working with as well as issues she is facing regarding the access to data. In addition, she shares her opinion on the relevance of intellectual property in her research.

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EOSC Austria: Visions, needs and requirements for research data and practices #5

The Working Group Researcher Engagement has published its fifth interview on research data and practices. In this interview with Erich Schmutzhard, a neurologist, intensive care physician and tropical medicine specialist, gives his opinion on data sharing, trust and ethics in medical research.

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EOSC Austria: Visions, needs and requirements for research data and practices #4

The Working Group Researcher Engagement has published its fourth interview on research data and practices.In this interview with Thomas Hofer, a theoretical and computational chemist, gives an insight into what type of data he is working with, shares his ideas on data quality and hints at what – in his opinion – is not quite transparent regarding EOSC.

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EOSC Austria: Visions, needs and requirements for research data and practices #3

The Working Group Researcher Engagement has published its third interview on research data and practices. In this interview with Wolfgang Kraus, a cultural and social anthropologist, who has done extensive field research on tribal organisation and historical knowledge in central Morocco. Among his main research interests are kinship, ethnography, visual anthropology, audio documentation, data management and research ethics.

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EOSC Austria: Visions, needs and requirements for research data and practices #2

The Working Group Researcher Engagement has published its second interview on research data and practices. In this interview communication scientist Maria Schreiber focus on qualitative research (to be more specific, she researches Visual Communication and Social Media) and shares her opinion on why sharing and reusing qualitative data is challenging as well as on trust in others’ research data.

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