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2024 International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI)

Brisbane , Australia

Join policymakers, research institution leaders, facility operator, users and researchers at the 2024 International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2024) in Brisbane to discuss pressing topics of interest, trends and challenges facing research infrastructures around the world. The 2024 International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2024) will be hosted in Meanjin/Brisbane, Australia. Hosted biennially, the […]


Teinfaltstraße 8, A-1010 Vienna Teinfaltstraße 8, Vienna

We are very happy to invite you all to our next EOSC Café on Tuesday, 3rd of December (10:00 – 12:00). This time we will hold the meeting in physical format only; We would be happy to meet and exchange news and ideas with many of you in person this time. The Agenda for the […]


Restaurant Giorgina Bankgasse 2, Vienna

In ungezwungener Atmosphäre möchten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit bieten, sich bei einem gemeinsamen Mittagessen und Getränken zu vernetzen und mit anderen Akteur:innen aus dem Bereich der Forschungsinfrastrukturen auszutauschen. Nach einer kurzen Begrüßung und einem Überblick über aktuelle Entwicklungen werden wir bewusst auf eine fixe Agenda verzichten, um Raum für spontane Themen und offene Diskussionen zu […]

REvaluation Conference 2024

Vienna Vienna, Austria

At the REvaluation Conference 2024 we will explore the challenges and opportunities presented by the rapidly changing landscape of research and innovation policy and its implications for assessment and evaluation. Traditionally set in the city of Vienna, Austria, from December 4-6, 2024, this conference promises to be a gathering of thought leaders, academics, and practitioners […]

Save the date for the 1st Open Science Monitoring Initiative public meeting


We are pleased to invite you to the first Open Science Monitoring Initiative (OSMI) public meeting on Wednesday, 4 December 2024 between 2.30 pm and 4 pm CET. This meeting is open to everyone and will be recorded. The OSMI Coordination Committee will outline the issues and the reasons behind establishing the Initiative, and OSMI’s goals in brief. […]

3rd Open Call for Financial Support


The final open call for financial (Route 2) support is open for applications from 9th October to 4th December 2024. Applicants can apply to join the following support actions.    #1: Managing data types, schemas and vocabularies and crosswalks for FAIR researcher related metadata  The support action will introduce successful applicants to three tools developed […]

Conference and course on data sharing and secondary data analysis in child and youth well-being research


A two day face-to-face conference on data sharing and secondary data analysis in child and youth wellbeing research will be held on 9th and 10th December 2024 in Zagreb, Croatia, along with a one-day statistical course on how to access and compare data from different sources on 11th December 2024.  We invite researchers, policy practitioners, data analysts, curators and […]

Driving EU Prosperity: The Future of Knowledge Valorisation

Brussels Brussels, Belgium

EU’s knowledge valorisation policy aims to accelerate the uptake of R&I results to realise the full potential of R&I investments for a prosperous Europe. It is key for Europe’s economic resilience, innovation capacity, strategic autonomy and societal welfare. With the Political Guidelines of the new Commission placing R&I at the heart of the economy, and […]

OA-Repositorien und Forschungsinformationssysteme


Am 11.Dezember 2024, 10:00 Uhr lädt das Projekt „Pro-OAR-DE“ zum zweiten virtuellen Vernetzungsforum ein, um Lösungsansätze für die Zusammenarbeit von Forschungsinformationssystemen (FIS/CRIS) und institutionellen Repositorien zu erarbeiten. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Open-Access-Beauftragte, Repositorien-Manager und Führungskräfte von Bibliotheken und Rechenzentren. Neben Experteninputs stehen intensive Kleingruppenarbeiten im Fokus, deren Ergebnisse in eine praxisnahe Handreichung einfließen werden. Das seit […]

EIT HEI Initiative Call for Proposals


The EIT HEI Initiative Call for Proposals 2024 has a strong focus on enhancing the quality and competitiveness of European higher education.  It will improve research and technology transfer from higher education and support business creation through strengthening collaboration between HEIs and business partners across Europe. This call aims to fund up to 42 projects, with […]

Global consultation: Developing data policies for crisis facilitated by open science


UNESCO in partnership with the Committee on Data (CODATA) is launching a consultation to explore how the principles of open science could guide efficient policies for data sharing in times of crisis. As the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent disasters and geopolitical conflicts have revealed, deficiencies in the capacity of science to integrate data readily and […]

4th EOSC Support Office Austria General Assembly

Aula am Campus at the University of Vienna Aula am Campus Hof 1.11, Wien

We are pleased to announce that the fourth General Assembly of the EOSC Support Office Austria  will take place on December 17, 2024, at the Aula am Campus, University of Vienna. This event  brings together members of the EOSC SOA community to review achievements over the past year, elect new representatives to governing bodies, and […]

Cluster Forschungsdaten Expo 2025

Kuppelsaal Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien, 4.OG., Wien, Austria

Der Cluster Forschungsdaten lädt herzlich zur Expo am Donnerstag, dem 16. Jänner 2025 an die TU Wien. Der thematische Schwerpunkt wird auf Forschungsinformationssysteme, Forschungsdatenmanagement und forschungsunterstützende Infrastrukturen gelegt. Die Veranstaltung soll auf nationaler Ebene Infrastrukturen, Services, Projekten  und Anwendungsfällen eine Bühne bieten, stellt eine Kooperationsplattform dar und dient als Netzwerkveranstaltung. Das Programm beinhaltet eine Bandbreite […]

Fokusgruppe Publikationsberatung Online Treffen


In der Fokusgruppe möchten wir aufbauend auf unseren vielfältigen Erfahrungen in der Open-Access-Beratung den Austausch zu verschiedenen Aspekten des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens fördern. Ziel ist es, Erfahrungen aus der eigenen Beratungspraxis auszutauschen, neue relevante Themen für die Publikationsberatung zu identifizieren und gemeinsam Ideen für die Schaffung attraktiver Angebote und entsprechender Materialien zu entwickeln. Neben einem ersten […]

EOSC Winter School 2025


The EOSC Winter School is an initiative by EOSC-A, with the support of the EOSC Focus project, taken up in response to collaboration needs among Horizon Europe EOSC-related projects. The EOSC Winter School was conceptualised following a suggestion at the European Commission’s June 2023 coordination meeting, which identified a significant collaboration gap in the Horizon […]

A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for advanced data enrichment


ExpectedOutcome: Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: The European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) is widely used by European cultural heritage professionals and researchers for metadata enrichment of digital cultural heritage objects. Scientific and professional value as well as intellectual property and other associated rights are effectively embedded in the digital […]

BERD Academy: Open Education for Research with (unstructured) Business, Economics and Related Data


Big Data took the world by storm, Artificial Intelligence has become a hot topic across research disciplines. Working with these data can be a challenge. Especially for researchers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, who graduated just a few years ago when most study programs covered mainly or exclusively ‘traditional’ data collection methods such as […]

Skills4EOSC Workshop: Science4Policy – Bridging the gap between research and decision-making

CNR Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, Roma, Italy

What Communicating science effectively is becoming increasingly crucial in empowering society to take evidence-informed decisions to address its challenges, especially in the context of evidence-informed policymaking (often referred to as “science4policy”). The SKILLS4EOSC two-day interactive workshop aims to enhance researchers' communication skills and facilitate dialogue with policymakers by upskilling communication competencies through theoretical learning and […]

International Love Data Week

The 2025 theme is “Whose Data Is It, Anyway?” Take a minute to think about who owns data compared to who uses data. Different groups - like researchers, the government, companies, or organizations - may collect data. They could own it, share it, publish it online, or combine it. This year's Love Data Week wants us to […]

19th International Digital Curation Conference

The Hague

The 19th edition of the International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC25) will take place in The Hague, the Netherlands between 17-19 February 2025. About the International Digital Curation Conference The International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) is an established annual event with a unique place in the digital curation community, reaching out to individuals, organisations and institutions across all disciplines […]