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This Month

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2 events,

OSCARS 1st Open Call for Open Science Projects and Services

EGU General Assembly 2024 in Vienna (hybrid)

3 events,

3 events,

2nd open call for Route 1 expert (non-financial) support (OPEN)

3 events,

SRIA 2.0 Community Consultation

3 events,

Call for Abstracts: EGI2024

3 events,

1st Symposium of Research Infrastructures

3 events,


FAIR-IMPACT’s 2nd open call for repository support programme

2 events,

6 events,

RDA’s 22nd Plenary Meeting




Assessing Open Access Books: Shedding Light on Peer Review with PRISM


Assessing national current FAIR-enabling capabilities

7 events,

Emerging trends for international collaboration in the CRIS domain


URN:NBN webinar


How to: Aufbau eines institutionellen OER-Ökosystems – Einblicke in Open Educational Resources an der Universität Wien

2 events,

4 events,

Stronger Together | EURASHE 33RD Annual Conference

The WorldFAIR Project: The journey so far and next steps

7 events,

Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities Conference 2024


A Guide to FAIR Bioimage Data 2024

Call for EOSC Federation Handbook Contributors

3 events,

Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024

Natural Scientific Language Processing and Research Knowledge Graphs

8 events,

Infectious Diseases Toolkit (IDTk) Contentathon 2024

IMDIS 2024

IMDIS 2024

CRAFT-OA Summer School 2024


Advancing Data Exchange Innovations in FAIR Data Spaces | Second Open Call

7 events,


Your Work | Your Choice. Open Research an der UdK Berlin am Beispiel des Forschungsdatenmanagements

7 events,

European Maritime Day


The WorldFAIR Webinar Series: Guidelines and Recommendations from the Case Study on Population Health

5 events,


The research data insider: Introducing the GORC model

3 events,

Open Science Community Incubator Program

3 events,

8th World Conference on Research Integrity

Call for EOSC Symposium Posters