EOSC Support Office Austria – Newsletter #2, April 2023
Welcome to the second edition of the EOSC Support Office Austria newsletter – our regular update on the latest development in Open Science Austria.
We share news from the various EOSC projects that Austrian institutions participate in, as well as from our own initiative and you can lear more about the FAIR-IMPACT, RDA Tiger and Austrian Academy of Science Open calls.
Enjoy reading and thank you for the interest and participation in our initiative.
The development of EOSC is a fast-growing enterprise. Learn how the Austrian researchers and institutes are involved and actively contribute to the implementation of EOSC.
EOSC in Austria: Austrian Open Science Policy
Discover the latest developments in Open Science in Austria. Austria’s Open Science Policy is committing Austria to the Open Science movement and the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The Austria Country Profile – Q1/2023
The report is a deliverable of the EOSC SOA Working Group “Austria Country Profile”, which is tasked with the regular monitoring o EOSC building process in Austria. The Q1/2023 has been published.

We, EOSC SOA, have a brand-new logo! As we are growing our community and expand our partnerships across Austria, a universal and recognizable visual identity becomes a key feature of our initiative.
EOSC Austria: Visions, needs and requirements for research data and practices #1
In this interview with communication scientist Maria Schreiber outlines the challenges and needs regarding research data management and data sharing in qualitative research.
EOSC Austria: Visions, needs and requirements for research data and practices #2
In this interview Wolfgang Kraus, a cultural and social anthropologist talks about his experience and share some thought on ethnography, visual antropology, audio documentation, data managemet and research ethics.

FAIR-IMPACT has just launched the first of three open calls for Support, offering two defined support actions designed to enhance the FAIRness of data, semantic artefacts and data-related services.

This open call is seeking applications from existing or potential Research Data Alliance (RDA) Working Groups (WGs) tha wish to receive RDA Tiger in-kind facilitation support for their WG activities.

The Austrian Academy of Science is funding research projects in the field of data/microdata research. In three calls from spring 2023, a total of nine million euros will be made available from funds from the Fond Zukunft Österreich.
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