EOSC Focus Launched in Vienna

In June 2022, TU Wien welcomed its Consortium Partners – namely, the EOSC Association (project lead), Belnet, CLARIN, CREAF, CSC, EGI, NCN and TU Graz – in Vienna to kick off the EOSC Focus project. With the launch of EOSC Focus, the research infrastructure community got another tool to successfully complete the EOSC building process.

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The backbone of EOSC

The Backbone of EOSC Research infrastructures should cooperate with each other. Watch this interview with the Austrian Country Delegate of the EOSC Governance Board.https://youtu.be/DSVmqH_HrcYProduced by https://www.eoscsecretariat.eu / TU Wienhttp://www.fabianchaundy.com/License: Creative…

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