Achieving “One EOSC”: mapping of project contributions

The support and coordination project EOSC Focus capture all project results and map how they add value to the overall goal of achieving “one EOSC'', the EOSC Focus project is collaborating with the project consortia to capture their contributions and translate them into a "Macro-roadmap". TU Graz as tasklead of Coordination between projects, played an important role.

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Project Shared RDM Infrastructure and Services officially launched during Kick-Off at TU Graz

The Project Shared RDM Infrastructure and Services officially launched during Kick-Off at TU Graz, aiming to create a framework for offering selected tools and infrastructures in the field of RDM as shared services for Austrian universities and research institutions.

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The WorldFAIR Webinar Series: Presenting Project Outputs

The WorldFAIR project presents their webinar series on their approach, outputs and modes of dissemination to significantly strengthen international cooperation in order to increase and mainstream FAIRness of data and digital objects. Check out the schedule and listen to recordings on their website.

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Open Call for BY-Covid: Support for the implementation of SARS-CoV-2 data hubs at national and regional levels

The BY-COVID project has an open call for proposals to support the implementation of additional SARS-CoV-2 data hubs to increase the flow of viral sequence data into the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), in line with open science principles. Apply now!

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The potential of research data – How research infrastructures support new opportunities and benefits for society

The Swedish presidency of the European Union starts with a forward-looking strategic input to STI-policy. "Europe must focus on the Grand Challenges of our time", as the Lund declaration of 8 July 2009 states: an advocay for European leadership in R&D, for frontier research, and a joint private and public stakeholder-driven approach.

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