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LAUNCH EVENT – 2nd OSCARS Open Call for Open Science projects


We are pleased to invite you to the launch event of the OSCARS 2nd Open Call for Open Science projects and services, to be held online, on Friday, 15 November 2024, from 11:00 to 12:30 CET. This is the last of the two calls (total worth ~16 million EUR) foreseen in the frame of the OSCARS project to support […]

Cluster Forschungsdaten Expo 2025

Kuppelsaal Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien, 4.OG., Wien, Austria

Der Cluster Forschungsdaten lädt herzlich zur Expo am Donnerstag, dem 16. Jänner 2025 an die TU Wien. Der thematische Schwerpunkt wird auf Forschungsinformationssysteme, Forschungsdatenmanagement und forschungsunterstützende Infrastrukturen gelegt. Die Veranstaltung soll auf nationaler Ebene Infrastrukturen, Services, Projekten  und Anwendungsfällen eine Bühne bieten, stellt eine Kooperationsplattform dar und dient als Netzwerkveranstaltung. Das Programm beinhaltet eine Bandbreite […]

Shaping resilient futures: Open science and data policies for crisis preparedness, response, and recovery


The escalating frequency and severity of health emergencies, natural hazards, disasters, and geopolitical crises underscore the critical need for evidence-based approaches to preparedness, response, and recovery. These crises have far-reaching humanitarian impacts, disrupting lives and livelihoods worldwide and necessitating coordinated, timely interventions across local, national, regional, and global levels. In response, UNESCO has partnered with […]

Fokusgruppe Publikationsberatung Online Treffen


In der Fokusgruppe möchten wir aufbauend auf unseren vielfältigen Erfahrungen in der Open-Access-Beratung den Austausch zu verschiedenen Aspekten des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens fördern. Ziel ist es, Erfahrungen aus der eigenen Beratungspraxis auszutauschen, neue relevante Themen für die Publikationsberatung zu identifizieren und gemeinsam Ideen für die Schaffung attraktiver Angebote und entsprechender Materialien zu entwickeln. Neben einem ersten […]

Webinar zur Ausschreibung Forschungsdateninfrastrukturen 2024


In diesem Webinar erhalten Sie kompakte Informationen zur Ausschreibung Forschungsdateninfrastrukturen 2024 im Rahmen der beiden EU Missionen SOIL und WATERS. Mit der Initiative der FFG zur Förderung von Forschungsdateninfrastrukturen soll in Österreich die Basis für exzellente Forschung sowohl für Einrichtungen für Forschung und Wissensverbreitung als auch für Unternehmen gestärkt und damit die internationale Positionierung der […]

EOSC Winter School 2025


The EOSC Winter School is an initiative by EOSC-A, with the support of the EOSC Focus project, taken up in response to collaboration needs among Horizon Europe EOSC-related projects. The EOSC Winter School was conceptualised following a suggestion at the European Commission’s June 2023 coordination meeting, which identified a significant collaboration gap in the Horizon […]

Leitfaden zur digitalen Datensparsamkeit – Vorstellung und Diskussion


Die stetig wachsende Bedeutung des Forschungsdatenmanagements sowie die Technologisierung fast aller Bereiche der Geistes- und besonders der Naturwissenschaften führt zu immer größeren Mengen an Forschungsdaten. Auch wenn dies u.a. im Sinne der Nachnutzbarkeit vorhandener Forschungsergebnisse eine sehr begrüßenswerte Entwicklung darstellt, so bringt sie dennoch auch technische und organisatorische Herausforderungen für Forschungsdatenmanager*innen mit sich. Hierzu zählt […]

A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for advanced data enrichment


ExpectedOutcome: Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: The European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) is widely used by European cultural heritage professionals and researchers for metadata enrichment of digital cultural heritage objects. Scientific and professional value as well as intellectual property and other associated rights are effectively embedded in the digital […]

Horizon Europe Projects and the RDA


The Research Data Alliance (RDA) Europe is undertaking a survey to better understand how Horizon Europe projects use RDA outputs and recommendations, as well as how these activities map onto EOSC priority areas. Submit your answers here

Data Research Austria Roadshow

Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien

As in previous years, the ÖAW accompanies the tender with a roadshow for all interested people from research institutions in Vienna (cooperation partners: BMBWF, Statistik Austria, WWTF). The event will take place on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, from 13:00-16:00 at WU Wien. Further details, the program, and the registration form can be found in the […]

ISC General Assembly


The ISC General Assembly is the premier occasion for ISC Members and Affiliated Bodies, Fellows and partners from all domains of science and regions of the world to meet for cross-disciplinary, strategic discussions on challenges and priorities for international cooperation in science. The ISC General Assembly meets in ordinary session every four years. The Muscat Global Knowledge Dialogue, which takes place on 27–28 January, is […]

BERD Academy: Open Education for Research with (unstructured) Business, Economics and Related Data


Big Data took the world by storm, Artificial Intelligence has become a hot topic across research disciplines. Working with these data can be a challenge. Especially for researchers in Business, Economics and Social Sciences, who graduated just a few years ago when most study programs covered mainly or exclusively ‘traditional’ data collection methods such as […]

Skills4EOSC Workshop: Science4Policy – Bridging the gap between research and decision-making

CNR Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, Roma, Italy

What Communicating science effectively is becoming increasingly crucial in empowering society to take evidence-informed decisions to address its challenges, especially in the context of evidence-informed policymaking (often referred to as “science4policy”). The SKILLS4EOSC two-day interactive workshop aims to enhance researchers' communication skills and facilitate dialogue with policymakers by upskilling communication competencies through theoretical learning and […]

International Love Data Week

The 2025 theme is “Whose Data Is It, Anyway?” Take a minute to think about who owns data compared to who uses data. Different groups - like researchers, the government, companies, or organizations - may collect data. They could own it, share it, publish it online, or combine it. This year's Love Data Week wants us to […]

Tools and Services to improve the quality of Research Software


  EVERSE is running an interactive online workshop which aims to examine which tools and services researchers use to improve the quality of research software, and how they use them. The workshop is titled "Evaluating Tools and Services to improve the quality of research software" and will take place on Monday 10 February 2025 between 10:00 […]

19th International Digital Curation Conference

The Hague

The 19th edition of the International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC25) will take place in The Hague, the Netherlands between 17-19 February 2025. About the International Digital Curation Conference The International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) is an established annual event with a unique place in the digital curation community, reaching out to individuals, organisations and institutions across all disciplines […]

FAIRfest: Celebrating advancements of FAIR solutions in EOSC

Madurodam Madurodam, The Hague, Netherlands

FAIR-IMPACT and FAIRCORE4EOSC partners are glad to invite the broad European research community to FAIRfest, a festival celebrating advancements of FAIR solutions in the European Open Science research landscape. FAIR in Europe and Worldwide The Festival will take place on the 20th and 21st of February 2025 in The Hague, The Netherlands. The event is tied up with […]

Teaching what we Practice – Open Science in Higher Education


Teaching what we practice means emphasizing the importance of integrating Open Science principles into academic teaching. The relevance of these practices lies in fostering a learning environment that mirrors the evolving landscape of scientific research. By embracing Open Science in higher education, instructors can teach students not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills in […]

EGI Access Call


The Offer A Collaborative Path to the Digital Era Selected applications will be granted sponsored access and use of EGI services and resources. EGI offers compute and storage resources, compute platform services, data management services, and related user support and training through this call. The resources and services offered via this grant are sponsored by […]